How I style my relaxed waves?


One thing I get lot of compliments about is definitely my hair. I am very lucky to have thick hair naturally and they hold up. I wanted to show you how I style very simple look that has got a bit of texture and looks like you just got out of bed.

Very often I use curlers however today I decided to use my new GHD straightener which makes things really easy. Like with any hair styling it is a lot about a good prep. I personally prefer to style hair that are not freshly washed and as my hair is naturally wavy I need to use oil and products for my ends. I am also huge fan of the GHD split end therapy.

You simple brush your hair and split them into smaller sections and use your straightener same way as you are trying to achieve straight hair. However when I reach middle I just twist the straightener away from the face which gives you a lose curl and a bit of texture. You continue until your hair is done and if you like a bit of volume just mess your hair simply by using your hands for a bit more texture and volume.

And once I finish I just use a finish spray. I am not much into using sprays that hold your hair as just do not need it but I am more about nice healthy shine.

If you like any of these products you can simple click on the pictures below the article and order them online.

Jedna z veci, na kterou dostavam hodne komplimentu jsou moje vlasy. Nejsem zadna obornice na upravu vlasu a vetsinou mam rada prirozenost. Diky prirode mam vlasy huste a dobre se s nimi pracuje. Horsi je, ze moje ruce uz tak sikovne nejsou.

Dneska jsem vam chtela ukazat takovy jednoduchy styling, ktery pusobi jakoby jste vstala z postele a ma pouze trosku textury diky mirne zvlnenym koncum. Vetsinou si vlasy upravuji kulmou, ale dneska jsem se rozhodla pouzit svou novou GHD zehlicku.

Jako ve vetsine pripadu je vsechno hlavne o priprave. Ja uprednostnuji upravovat vlasy, ktere nejsou cerstve umyte. Protoze mam od prirody zvlnene vlasy tak mam tendenci mit sussi konce. A proto vzdy vtiram do konecku olej a take jsem si oblibila GHD split end therapy, ktery krasne hydratuje a da vam prevenci od rozstepenych konecku. Po te vlasy rozdelim do mensich pramenu, nahreju zehlicku a u kazdeho pramene zacnu stejne jako kdyz chci docilit vyrovnanych vlasu. Az dosahnu do pulky pramene tak zehlicku stocim a to vam vytvori volne vlny a doda texturu.

Nevim proc ale moc casto nepouzivam lak na vlasy. Spise mam radsi ruzne lesky na vlasy, ktere dodaji vlasum prirozeny vzhled. 

Pokud vas nektere produkty zaujaly jako vzdy staci kliknou dole na obrazky a muzete si je objednat. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


4 comments on “How I style my relaxed waves?

  1. Great tip, I really need a new straightener so maybe I should go for the GHD. My hair is not so thick though and very straight so curls don’t stay curly that long without some serious hair spraying

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