Little Treats

Hello Everybody,Do you remember when I wrote a post about little treats? These are few things I got recently. Cute little John Lewis lamp for my bedside table, Dior show Mascara that has got fabulous reviews and this super cool necklace in Topshop.

I am really not wearing eye makeup during the day but I must say I have to start to be better. Nothing looks more fabulous then perfect dramatic eye lashes. Maybe one day I will be one of those perfectly groomed girls.

Mozna si vzpomenete na nedavny post o malych radostech. Tohle je par drobnosti, ktere jsem si v posledni dobe koupila. Roztomila lampicka John Lewis, rasenka Dior show, ktera ma velmi pozitivni recenze a tento skvely nahrdelnik v Topshopu.

Abych se priznala ta rasenka ma ma donutit se vice upravovat. Behem dne totiz nenosim zadny ocni makeup a to ani rasenku. Jenze vzdy zavidim ten krasne upravenym zenam, tak jsem si slibila, ze se polepsim. Neni totiz nic krasnejsiho nez dramaticky pohled diky super dlouhym rasam.

Nezapomente na GIVEAWAY.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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