Pictures: myself, Lipsy, Nada
My dears this event was phenomenal. Lipsy invited me alongside with other bloggers for an evening with Michelle Keegan to celebrate her new collection and just purely have fun. The team picked stunning Rosewood hotel and the setting was breathtaking.
The whole evening was fantastic, we got a chance to spend some time with Michelle, there were some interviews going on and of course great food, drinks and music. The whole collection is perfect for everyday glam but you can find some more casual pieces like fantastic parka. My favourite piece is a tuxedo dress and also blue dress with lace which I think is timeless and very sexy. And you know these are my two favourite things when it comes to clothing.
Michelle brought her boyfriend and I also saw briefly his sister Jess Wright who you may know. It was fantastic to spend some time with other bloggers which some of I knew and great opportunity to meet new people and talk about fashion. That is what we all love after all.
So go mad and shop and carry her clothes with grace and confidence.
Tak tahle akce byla naprosto famozni. Firma Lipsy me pozvala na dalsi vecer s Michelle Keegan, ktera po ne nedavno navrhla kolekci. Na tuhle mega party si vybrali prekrasny hotel Rosewood, ktery je opravdu dech berouci. A vybrali si asi dvanact blogeru, kteri stravi vecer s Michelle, udelaji par rozhovoru a poradne proberou jeji kolekci. Ja jsem nejak nemohla verit, ze ja jsem byla jedna z nich, protoze tam byla pekne zvucna blogerska jmena z Britanie. A jsem opravdu moc rada.
Cela kolekce se nese v duchu takoveho glamouru na bezny den a najdete v ni par kousku na bezne noseni. Ja jsem se zamilovala do tech tuxedo satu a jeste se mi libi tmave modre saty se zlatou krajkou. Jsou nadcasove a sexy.
Michelle vypadala nadherne i behem vecera a mela na sobe dva ruzne outfity z jeji kolekce. Na akci prisel i jeji pritel a jeho sestra, kteri jsou tady v Britanii take velmi popularni.
Par fotografii jste urcite videli na mem instagramu, ale snad se vam budou libit i tyhle.
Preju vam krasny vikend.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Lucky you. It looks like an amazing event.