Sequin Shorts

Wearing: Zara Shorts (Similar) and Top, Celine Trio Bag, Mango Heels (Similar), Celine Sunglasses, Sophia’s Earrings

It feels ages since I been on holiday and I still have few more outfit posts to show you. Thanks to these pictures I can be back on holidays and thinking about sunny beach and a cold glass of wine.

I have been getting lot of questions about this nail varnish I was wearing on holidays and to make things clear for those who are curious it is by China Glaze – Sun of a peach. I must admit it is fantastic summer colour. You can get it on different sites for example here on Amazon.

Another thing I wanted to share with you is that I succesfully finished 2nd week of Insanity workout and I feel great. I wanted to ask if you would be interested in reading about how am I progressing on my new fitness and food regime?

Pripada mi to jako cela vecnost co jsem byla na dovolene, ale mam jeste par fotek, ktere jsem vam chtela ukazat. Alespon se muzu diky nim vratit na slunecne plaze a predstavovat si jak si uzivam kazdy vecer vychlazene vino pri sumeni more.

Dostala jsem od vas nekolik dotazu na tento lak, co mam na nohou a ani se nedivim, je to opravdu prekrasna letni barva. A abych to uvedla na pravou miru tak je od znacky China Glaze a jmenuje se Sun of a Peach. Prodavam jej tady treba Amazon.

A jako posledni vec jsem dneska chtela zminit, ze mam za sebou uspesne prvni dva tydny Insanity Workout. Chtela jsem se zeptat, zda by vas zajimalo, kdybych psala treba kazde dva tydny o mych pokrocich a take jak jsem na tom s novym jidelnim a cvicicim rezimem?

Love Glamazon xoxo

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10 comments on “Sequin Shorts

  1. vypadas perfektne ;-) mužu se zeptat, ktere restaurace stojí za to vyzkoušet v tučepi? jedeme tam za tyden tak at vím. děkuji ;-)

  2. Tak to Insanity me zajima :) Cvicim podle Zuzka Light a jeji workouty jsou naprosto super a vysledky vidim tez :) Kam se hrabe Jillian :D Jen se obavam, aby ten Insanity nebyl prilisny zahul na moje kolena :D

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