Bershka New Collection

I am already in a proper Fashion Week madness however as always it is very exciting. Prior to this crazy fashion week I attended few events and press days and one of them was this lovely Bershka collection introduction. And my dears you are in for a treat. You can find practical and casual pieces however the collection brings a lot stuff for parties and also lot of trends. You can see some lovely pastels going on, gorgeous sequin dresses and cosy knits. I am a big fan of those black boots and for that price you have to snap it straight away. As I always say nothing better than to snap an affordable trend!

And sorry for that sneaky food pictures…I just can’t resist and you know I am a foodie!

Ja uz jsem v jedno kole Fashion Weeku a nohy teda boli! Nejdradeji bych si dneska dala tenisky. Mam vam toho tolik co rict, ale vubec nestiham. Do Nedele mam spoustu prehlidek a projektu a v Pondeli odletam na press trip jako blogerka do Maroka. A tam je program bohuzel nabity, ale budu se snazit vam co nejdrive priblizit zazitky z Fashion Weeku.

Chtela jsem vam ukazat novou kolekci Bershky. Tento tyden jsem byla pozvana na predstaveni jejich kolekce a jako vzdy predvedla Bershka trendy za nizke ceny. V kolekci najdete hodne pastelovych kabatu, kozesiny, ale take hodne flitru. A jak vidite tak i doplnky jsou skvele…moc se mi libi ty vtipne obaly na telefon. Takze kazdy urcite neco zajimaveho ulovi.

Zatim se mejte krasne a ja se jdu pomalu chystat na dalsi den.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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