LFW starts this week and I could not be more excited. I have no idea what I am wearing this season and it will be definitely last minute decision however I know what I am taking with me. These are my favourites pieces that make any fashion week complete.
Well designed clutch by KNOMO to carry my Ipad, Iphone, favourite lipstick and business cards and also portable charger as the battery goes so quickly when you are tweeting all day long. I have also new lip and cheek tint by Cheeky and you need some killer perfume right? Blogger’s life is so much easier when you have the right things with you.
Fashion week v Londyne zacina tento tyden a ja se strasne tesim. Za prve tady budu mit Lucku z Cup of Style a za druhe mam nove supracke psanicko KNOMO. Do nej se mi vlezou vsechny dulezite veci, ktere bloger potrebuje od Ipadu az po prenosnou nabijecku, ktera je soucasti. A taky mam novy oblibeny produkt od Cheeky, ktery je jak na licka tak na rty. No tyhle veci mi proste ten blogersky zivot vic usnadni.
Mejte se krasne.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Great post!
I love that clutch and bag! :)
NIkoleta, xoxo.
This is so exciting! I hope you have an incredible time! I am loving that organizer, so practical to have!
Becky, x // undertheseabeauty.blogspot.com
Love it!!
|| D I A N A ||
hlavně si to užij :-)))
Evi, psaníčko je více než praktické, moc fajn pomocník! Doufám, že na vás s Luckou budu mít v pátek nebo v sobotu štěstí ;-)
love this post, I’ll be attending fashion week for the first time, and you’ve made me even more excited! x