BeautyCon with Priv

This weekend I was invited by Priv to join them at a big beauty event in Kensington – BeautyCon. This was held in Kensington Olympia and the space was full of big vloggers including Lilly Pebbles or Beauty Crush or beauty companies like Priv or Liz Earle. The inside was buzzing and I could not believe my eyes how busy it was. If you ask me what Priv is all about it is ultimately an app that can get you cosmetics services to your house or office at any time of the day. They expanded from NY and LA to London so definitely check them out. As you can see they can do some seriously glamorous hair. So definitely give it a go. Especially if you are busy bee like myself. What a great idea right?

O vikendu jsem byla pozvana firmou Priv na velkou akci, ktera se konala v Kensingtonu. Pod jednou strechou se sesly top vlogerky jako Lilli Pebbles a Beauty Crush a velke kosmeticke firmy jako napriklad Liz Earl a jine. Priv je vlastne takova aplikace, ktera vam kdykoli zprostredkuje kosmeticke sluzby do domu. Shromazduje masery, kosmeticky, kaderniky a kdykoli behem dne staci pozadat o jednotlive sluzby a nekdo prijde k vam domu, ci do kancelare. Je to docela vychytavka a ja uz jsem ji sama vyzkousela. Z LA a New Yorku se firma rozhodla usidlit dale i v Londyne. No snad se vam libi moje hriva, kterou mi v sobotu ucesali prave tam.

Mejte se krasne.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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