(pic source – Abeachcottage)
1. Do not copy – Inspiration is Ok that is what other blogs are for but try to avoid to copy people too much. It is hard to bring something really new and bloggers follow trends so not everybody can bring something really new. However, try not to copy everything … even the last detail.
2. Do not gossip – Oh yes it is in our nature and even I am guilty. We talk and talk and talk and sometimes it is too much. However, if you gossip in your circles … other people will eventually find out. Try to be diplomatic with your opinions as what goes around comes around.
3. Don’t be fake – I meet so many wonderful people but they can be a different person when you throw them in a different environment. Typical example is fashion week or an important event. I believe if people are nice and being truly themselves they really will be more likeable. When I meet that person at a small dinner gathering I am always surprised. So my advice is just to relax.
4. Don’t wear something you don’t like – Bloggers can be influenced so much. We go through hundreds of Instagram pictures a day and sometimes we feel we want that new something even though it is not our style. I would say you should always listen to your own style and heart. Not every bag, pair of shoes or the hottest dress suits everybody. Although I understand that if there is a hot bag trend that lot of people will have it. Just do not force it.
5. Don’t write nasty comments – I just do not get this. I believe in staying positive. I just do not understand this nasty comments business and never will. I think people should not do things they would not like themselves. So next time when you write that bad comment to your blogger colleague…stop and think. How would I like that on my blog?
1. Nekopirujte – Tohle je problem vetsiny blogeru. Kde je prave ta hranice inspirace a kde uz jde o kopirovani. Ono zase na druhou stranu je tezke vymyslet neco noveho, ale neni treba neco kopirovat do posledniho detailu. Zkuste najit svuj styl a i kdyz se vam neco libi, tak do toho prinest kousek sebe.
2. Nepomlouvejte – Nikdo neni dokonaly a asi je to v nasi lidske nature. Lidi mluvi, mluvi porad dokola a nekdy az moc. Prestoze ziju v Londyne tak se ke me dostavaji silene zpravy a je to skoda. Ja netvrdim, ze jsem svata, ale tyhle veci se lidem vetsinou donesou. Ja se snazim byt pozitivni a vim, ze tyhle veci se vetsinou obrati proti nam. A bohuzel tyhle chyby maji za nasledek, ze si potom nektere blogerky nevytvari dobrou povest na trhu.
3. Nebudte falesni – Zustat sva je jedna z nejdulezitejsich veci v jakemkoli oboru. Pokud potkavame nove lidi ja radim vzdy byt prirozeny. Bohuzel vidam velmi casto, ze blogeri ztraci jakoukoli prirozenost prave na dulezitych akcich. Snazi se zaujmout dulezite lidi tak moc, az jejich projev pusobi krecovite. Moje rada je proste byt sva.
4. Nenoste veci, ktere nejsou vas styl – Obcas se mi stava, ze sleduju nejaky blog a ten se mi zacne pred ocima menit. Vetsinou k horsimu. Ja pevne verim, ze lide maji poslouchat svemu srdci a ptat se sam sebe…je to opravdu muj styl nebo si tuhle vec kupuju, protoze je trendy. A taky tomu obcas propadu. Pomalu se ale ucim a radsi o veci poradne popremyslim, protoze neni nad to nosit jenom veci, za kteryma si opravdu stojime.
5. Nepiste hruzostrasne komentare – Tuhle kulturu silenych a negativnich komentaru nikdy nepochopim. Za prve nemam na takove veci cas a za druhe mi to hlava nebere. Jsem proste pozitivni a kdyz se mi neco nelibi, tak to neresim, nechodim tam a nebo to nectu. A hlavne se drzim zasady…nedelej jinym to, co by se ti samotne nelibilo. Takze priste az vas bude palit ruka a budete se chystat napsat nejaky zly komentar vasi kolegyni blogerce, tak se zastavte a predstavte si, jak by se to libilo vam.
Love Glamazon xoxo
This is a really great post I am lucky enough to not have received any nasty and rude comments everyone has been so lovely…
Interesting tips ! Let’s follow each other ! http://www.rusudiana.com
A ještě jsi měla připsat, že když už si někdo kupuje followery na insta po tisícovkách, je pak docela pokrytecký chlubit se desetitisícema followers, z nichž je většina nakoupená a tudíž fake :-D
I agree on this soooo much!
saved this post! <3
Lauren xx | laurlauu.blogspot.co.uk
I agree 100% with you on these!!!
This was a lovely post :)
Xoxo Jessy
Thanks x
Evi u Lucky ve videích jsem si tě zamilovala a moc ti fandím, ted tě sleduji hlavně na Snapchatu, at se ti daří a jinak super článek
Lu…moc dekuju x
I agree with what you wrote here…. there are a lot of bloggers out there and some of us get caught up in the hype that we sometimes lose ourselves. http://lovejoystyles.com
Yes, unfortunately that can be the case sometimes
Skvělý pravdivý článek :)
I agree with you, these are top things we all need to follow. In my opinion everyone should have their own path and I personally like when someone introduced me to a new brand or new products.
Ana – hushhush990.blogspot.com
Evi, viděla jsem Tě na videu u Lucky a musím Ti napsat, že máš naprosto dokonalou angličtinu – líbí se mi ten britský akcent, fakt perfektní! Jak dlouho jsi na tom makala? ;)
Měj se krásně a užij víkend! ♥