Cravings anybody?

We all know food cravings right? But how many of you are like me and you also experience shopping cravings…well I have it often..maybe every week (OK sometimes few days in a row). There is always that little (or big) new something you want.

I picked few pieces that I love at the moment. And if you share my passion for them and want to get it you can just click on the picture to be closer to get it in your shopping basket. LOL

Have a fab day my lovelies x

Vsichni zname chute na jidlo, ze? A co takhle chute nakupovat. To ja bohuzel zazivam velmi casto. Mozna kazdy tyden (no dobre priznavam, ze nekdy i nekolik dni po sobe). Vzdycky je neco, co chci. A tak jsem vybrala par kousku, ktere me momentalne bavi a mozna si nektere i poridim. 

Pokud se vam neco libi, tak staci kliknout na obrazek…

No mejte se krasne a ja si radsi jdu schladit tu moji rozvasnenou hlavu, co porad po necem prahne. LOL 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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