Tip of the week: Sunset Taverna by Paraskevas


What a place!!! Under the red cliffs of Oia there is this stunning romantic spot called Ammoudi bay. A dream spot for food lovers and people that appreciate fresh sea food and romantic atmosphere. I loved this place after visiting one day and this gorgeous taverna got my heart so much we had to come back. Sunset Ammoudi taverna is a place we just came across but after having quick lunch there one day we decided to come back for full dinner after trying many places on Santorini. This restaurant is definitely at the top of my list. It is a fantastic spot to watch sunset but be aware if you want to experience this it is definitely important to actually book a table in advance.

There was just something about this lovely taverna. It was not just about good service and fresh sea food but the fact you feel you are almost dining in the sea. Everywhere you looked there was something beautiful to see and I could not stop soaking in local atmosphere. If I ever come back to Santorini I will come back. I had a thing for calamari on this trip and this placed served the best I tried on the island. However, their other sea food and other Santorini specialities are worth to try.

We really loved everything about this place and hopefully the pictures can bring you closer to this picturesque place.

Pod utesy Oia, ktere maji specifickou cervenou barvu, ktera se casto nachazi prave na ostrove Santorini, se nachazi tohle prekrasne misto – zatoka Ammoudi. Romanticke misto, ktere asi oceni hlavne milovnici morskych plodu a romanticke atmosfery. Behem naseho pobytu na Santorini jsme se zde stavili na lehky obed a hrozne mi tam chutnalo. A tak jsem jednoho dne rozhodla, ze bych chtela Tavernu Sunset vyzkouset i na veceri. Spousta turistu na ostrove si rezervuje stul v podobnych restauraci a ceka na proslaveny zapad slunce. A proto pokud se chystate na tyhle mista kolem osme hodiny tak urcite potrebujete rezervaci. 

Ja jsem se nemohla nabazit mistni atmosfery a pocitu, ze si uzivate vyborne jidlo temer v mori. Myslim, ze jsem nikdy nejedla tak blizko more. Mela jsem i pocit, ze kazdou chvili muzeme spadnout do vody, ale zkratka to melo neco do sebe. Servis, kvalita jidla a vyhled se opravdu neda srovnat s nekterymi misty, ktere jsem navstivila. 

Doufam, ze fotografie vam alespon trochu priblizi vyborne jidlo a tuhle prekrasnou zatoku pod utesy mesta Oia. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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