You learn by your mistakes and you may remember from my previous post that I went to amazing Amazon event and deleted all the pictures. Well, I cried a little but Amazon was so kind and provided me with some pictures so I can share this experience with you.
I must say it was mainly jewellery that caught my attention as you could find some extraordinary pieces. They had small delicate pieces that are perfect for layering as well as statement necklaces. You can honestly find some hidden treasures at Amazon Fashion. I am back from holidays so you will be treated with lot of pictures and outfit post. Yay.
You can still support this blog in Cosmpolitan Bloggers Awards. I would be delighted if you send me a vote here in the Best Established Fashion blog category. Thank you
Chybami se clovek uci. Mozna si vzpominate z predchoziho postu, ze jsem si omylem vymazala vsechny fotky z uzasne akce poradane Amazonem. Nastesti byl jejich PR team ochotny a poskytli mi jejich fotografie. Chtela jsem vam jich ukazat vice, protoze jsem byla uchvacena jejich sperky a bizuterii. Vubec jsem nemela tuseni, ze se da na Amazonu tak skvele nakoupit. Ve vyberu meli vse od delikatnich sperku, ktere se dobre vrstvi az po vyrazne nahrdelniky. Treba zrovna hned ten na uvodni fotografii mi prijde uchvatny. Ja jsem ted zpatky z dovolene, takze mam v zasobe poradne mnozstvi outfitu a fotografii.
Chtela jsem vas jeste jednou pozadat o vasi podporu a vas hlas v Oceneni nejlepsich fashion blogeru v Britanii Cosmopolitan Awards 2014. Najdete me v kategorii best established fashion blog. Hlasy muzete posilat tady.
Love Glamazon xoxo
That necklace is so gorgeous.
Nádherný prostor!