Bring it on

Hi Everybody,
Yes bring it on. Another wedding ahead. I should have been in that movie Wedding Crashers as I have been going so much in the last few years. Well, this is a dress I am planning to wear and probably with that clutch and shoes as well. It may be a bit unusual but that is what I love. I have always been like that. If I get something in my head I am not going to change it. So bring on the red and pattern.
A je to  tady. Dalsi svatba a tentokrat letim do Dublinu. Hodila bych se do komedie Wedding Crashers, ale v zenske podani. Opravdu se za posledni dva roky se snatky rozsypal pytel a ja nestacim kupovat letenky a nove saty. Kazdopadne si planuju dat tyhle na me asi necekane saty. Ale znate me, jak si neco umanu, uz se mnou tezko clovek pohne. Takze jdu do blazniveho potisku a cervene barvy.
Mejte se krasne.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wearing: Carven Dress, Diane von Furstenberg Clutch, Aldo Shoes

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