Category Archives: Blogging

5 Key Things to Be a Good Blogger

The last article about how to manage blog and a full time job was a huge success so I decided to put together another post in a similar tone. I am not Blonde Salad or any of these worldwide super bloggers however I have come a long way since I started blogging. There are few thousands of you coming to this site every day and over the last few years I realized that some things are more important than others.

1. Stay Yourself – We all are unique and that is the beauty of us. I know it is amazing when you see your favourite blogger doing something, saying something or wearing something but please do not copy. Inspire yourself yes…but do not copy word by word or the whole outfit. If you cannot inspire your readers by your own style you are not a blogger in reality right? We set up blogs for different reasons and readers come every day because they like YOU. If they want to see the same outfit or read the same thing they saw on other blogger there is not need to visit yours anymore.

2. Do it because you love it – I started to blog because I loved it and enjoyed it. It is my hobby number one. There are hundreds of thousands of us and yes it is fab if you make it and you get famous, rich or whatever the aim is…however if you only set up your blog to achieve that…it is for a wrong reason. And it will come across in your posts. Not a great image!

3. Be Consistent – I am very lucky I have met some very successful bloggers who can give you tips and advice…however you learn this as well as you go. You have to be consistent. There is no point to blog and then stop for two weeks (of course you will have life crisis and situations when you cannot impact it and that is fine). Readers like consistency. You should set yourself what is the minimum you want to post a week. It may be two or it may be six however you need to keep going. It makes people to come back as they want to see the next new thing.

4. Engage with your readers and other bloggers – Communication is very important in everything – whether it is in your family, relationship or work. And it is not different in blogging. Readers come here to get to know you, to find inspiration or to ask. It is crucial to engage and respond to as many as you can. I know some bloggers can get to a point where it is not possible. I can struggle a bit myself however try to do your best. The same thing applies with other bloggers. We should talk to each other, make friends and create a community. You never know who you meet or how can you help each other. You can also find friends for life.

5. Be Confident – Everything you do in life should be done with confidence. Not easy to do so at all times however you have to be confident in yourself. If you cannot believe in yourself and what you do why would your readers do so?

Nedavno jsem vydala post o tom jak zvladat blogovani s praci a tento clanek mel obrovsky uspech. A tak proc nevydat dalsi clanek o blogovani? Nejsem zadna mega top blogerka, ale cim dele bloguju, tim vice si uvedomuji jiste veci, ktere jsou v teto sfere velmi dulezite a ktere mozna az tak ne.

1. Zustan sva – Ja vim, ze pro vetsinu blogeru je tohle tezke a narazila jsem na spoustu outfitu a nazoru, ktere byly kopii slavnejsich “kolegyn”, ale myslim, ze to je to nejhorsi. Inspirovat se muzete, ale proc by mel nekdo duvod jit prave na vas blog, kdyz muze prave na ty, ktery napsal clanek jako prvni. Blogeri jsou ti, kteri maji inspirovat ctenare a proc by nekdo chodil prave na vas, kdyz mate vsechny narozory, clanky apod okopirovane. Je prirozene, ze se nam budou libit stejne veci, ale kdyz je neco okopirovane slovo od slova nebo outfit temer idetnicky…neco je spatne. Je dulezite ukazovat svuj styl a sve nazory. Tak budete unikatni a lide vas budou respektovat.

2. Blogujte pro zabavu – Ja jsem si zalozila blog vylozene pro zabavu a ze me to bavilo. A na tom se nic nezmenilo a je to muj nejvetsi konicek. Je samozrejme uzasne, kdyz neceho dosahnete, at uz jsou to spoluprace, oceneni ci slava, ale pokud si zakladate blog jenom z tohoto duvodu, tak je to duvod velmi spatny. Kazdy den si uvedomuji, ze je nas tolik…nekolik set tisic blogu a ja pevne doufam, ze vetsina to dela spise pro zabavu nez pro slavu a penize. Prave slavne blogerky jsou toho dukazem, delaly co milovaly a to je dostalo az na vrchol a proto bychom se prave timto meli vsichni inspirovat.

3. Blogujte Pravidlne – Mam to stesti, ze jsem potkala spoustu velmi uspesnych blogerek ze svetove blogerske sceny a obcas vam dam nektera i radu. Jedna z hlavnich, ktera vzdy hraje velkou roli je prave blogovat pravidelne. Nema smysl zacit blogovat a pak vydat dalsi clanek za mesic ci dva tydny (to vite ze obcas potrebujete prestavku, ci nastane situaci, kdy to proste nejde a to je naprosto v poradku), ale snazte se stanovit si do programu urcitou pravidlenost…at uz je to dvakrat ci sestkrat tydne. Ctenari se na vas blog budou vracet prave protoze se tesi na novy post.

4. Komunikujte se ctenari a blogery – Komunikace je dulezita vsude – v praci, v rodine ve vztahu. A v blogovani tomu neni jinak. Predstavte si, ze vasi ctenari se na blog chodi inspirovat a mozna se vas budou chtit zeptat urcite veci. Je dulezite odpovidat ukazat jim, ze si jich vazite. Ne vzdy je to mozne a ja sama obcas nestiham, ale snazte se komunikovat co nejvice to jde. A to same plati o komunikaci s blogery. Je moc prijemne mit nejakou tu blogerskou komunitu, protoze nikdy nevite, koho opet potkate. Ja jsem si diky blogovani nasla spoustu novych pratel. 

5. Verte si – Sebevedomi je dulezite ve vsem co delate. Musite si verit…pokud si neverit v tom, co delate…proc by ve vas meli verit vasi ctenari?!

Love Glamazon xoxo

Daniel Footwear Giveaway – Patent Court Shoe

Christmas is round the corner so I decided to organize a giveaway for you together with Daniel Footwear. This it the first time I am using Rafflecopter and a bit nervous as not sure if it is going to work. You know I am more of a traditional girl. You need to use the Rafflecopter Giveaway below the post if you want to enter and have a chance to win these beautiful shoes.

And what do you need to do to win? Follow Daniel Footwear and Glamazon Blog on Twitter. Visit or Like Facebook of Glamazon and Daniel Footwear and leave a comment with your email address, colour of your choice (this is subject to the stock availability) and size in the comment under this post. You can enter via Rafflectopter below.

Good Luck. Winner will be announced after one week.

Vanoce jsou za dverma a tak jsem se rozhodla usporadat giveaway ve spolupraci s Daniel Footwear. Mate moznost vyhrat tyhle krasne boty v hodnote temer £150 a muzu jenom potvrdit, ze jsou uzasne. Mohli jste je videt nedavno v outfitu. Poprve jsem rozhodla pouzit na giveaway platformu Rafflecopter a doufam, ze to bude vse fungovat jak ma byt.

A co musite udelat? Sledujte Daniel Footwear a Glamazon Blog na Twitteru, Navstivte a idealne dejte like Glamazon Blog a Daniel Footwear na Facebooku a napiste komentar s vasi emailovou adresou, vyber barvy a velikost botu, ktere chcete vyhrat. (to samozrejme zavisi na tom, zda budou boty ve vybrane barve ci velikosti skladem).

Giveaway bude probihat tyden a preji hodne stesti. Pokud chcete vyhrat, pouzijte tabulku Rafflecopter giveaway dole.

Love Glamazon xoxo


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Christmas Gift Guide

Christmas is only few weeks away and I decided to bring you a bit of inspiration what to get for yourself or perhaps somebody else. I think I would love to get any of these items and some of them are timeless classics.

I am a big fan of Nuxe cosmetics, good cashmere jumpers or good jewelry. Why not to order a book by one of the biggest vlogging stars Zoella or get super cool leopard print boots. I am definitely lusting to get new balance trainers and so much more. Always something on my mind.

So hope you find this useful and happy shopping. If you like any of these you can find a link below one the small icon pictures. Just click and it will lead you to the product.

So Happy Shopping.

Vanoce jsou za par tydnu a tak jsem se rozhodla dat dohromady par napadu, co tak pro sebe ci pro nekoho jineho k Vanocum. Nektere jsou stale klasiky a nektere novinky, ktere bych sama uvitala pod stromeckem.

Miluju oleje Nuxe a taky by mi nevadil dobry kasmirovy svetr a klidne i ikonicky nahrdelnik od Alex Monroe. A pro blogerske fanousky je urcite knizka od blogerky Zoelly tim nejlepsim darkem. Jeji posledni kniha byla nejprodavanejsi minuly tyden, takze urcite stoji za to. Ja bych se nezlobila ani kdybych dostala nove tenisky New Balance nebo treba pekne leopardi boty. A v posledni dobe jsem se zamilovala do rtenek Tom Ford, jenom to baleni na vas dycha luxusem a ma prekrasnou paletu barev.

Pokud se vam neco libi, dole staci kliknout na male ikonky a ty vas navedou na jednotlive produkty.

Takze prijemne nakupy preju vam vsem.

Love Glamazon xoxo