Category Archives: Health and Fitness

Fighting post baby issues with GP Nutrition

Sometimes I wish I could be one of those women that said they fit in their jeans two weeks after having a baby and left the hospital lighter than before getting pregnant. Or one of those women who say their baby slept through the night at 12 weeks. And trust me there are lot of people I know that had it this way. Unfortunately, I am not one of them.

Six months later I can finally fit in my jeans but I am still not there and I am up 10 times a night whilst I need to look after a child and run fully this blog. I need a fully functional body, I need energy and I need to lose weight. Who doesn’t?  As these are typical post baby issues most women have to deal with. Well, I cannot get more sleep as there is nobody to look after my child. I have no family here or nanny and my husband leaves 6:30 in the morning for work and comes back at 7 the earliest.

There is a next option that would definitely help and that is to eat clean food. As you can see I have gathered few books over the time and I know exactly how body works. It is about giving your body the right nutrition and balance everything out. It is a longterm solution for healthy body, great skin and sufficient amount of energy. However, these things can be so hard to maintain especially with lack of time. And then there is the other option to try to help and support your clean eating with supplements of different types. So I have partnered with GP Nutrition to try their offering to help me to fight all my post baby issues.

If you go on their site you have the option to do a test what programmes are the most suited to your needs. After doing the test I discovered (which is not a surprise at all) that my top ones are programmes SLIM Me, RESTORE Me and BOOST Me. These should really help to bring the best to my body and help to increase endurance, restore vitality, stabilise sleep patters and also balance my nutrition.

It is honestly perfect solution for busy lifestyle. Yes in my head I am always about cooking super clean dinners but the time does not let me to do it. Also on the days when I had an awful night with the baby I tend to eat badly and grab pizza instead of beetroot salad. I am sure you know the story.

What I loved about the package when it arrived was that the brand enclosed very clear intro about each programme but also easy instruction of how to use them. I am the laziest person when it comes to reading about these things so it was very handy. Second great thing is the packaging. No more excuses that the box is too big as everything is split into smaller sachets so you can take these with you. It is perfect even for a small bag or travelling. Very smart right?

And if you ask me if all this works? Yes, I have definitely seen some improvements and I have only been using these for two weeks or so. The biggest different I have noticed is when I used My Gel from the SLIM Me programme I feel my cravings are gone and also I am not that hungry. Isn’t that what we need after all?


Nekdy si preju, abych mohla rict, ze jsem jedna z tech zen, co se dva tydny po porodu vlezla do starych dzinu a odchazela z nemocnice s min kily nez pred otehotentnim. A nebo jedna z tech, kterym miminko spi celou noc uz od dvanacti tydnu. A sama mam ve svem okoli nekolik takovych zenskych. Ja to  bohuzel nejsem. 

A o sest mesicu pozdeji konecne muzu prohlasit, ze se vlezu do starych dzinu (i kdyz to jeste zdaleka neni ono) a hlavne jsem vzhuru v prumeru tak sestkrat za noc. O to je to tezsi, kdyz prakticky nemate materskou, protoze uz po dvou tydnech jsem jela naplno s timto blogem. A verte mi, ze je to prace na plny uvazek. Spanek nespanek telo musi fungovat. Jako kazda mama musim rano vstat (nekdy i ve ctyri) a uz jede klasicky kolotoc – dite, jidlo, pleny a to vse bez chuvy, babicky, sestry a jedinou oporou je muz, ktery vyrazi do prace 6:30 a vraci se nejdrive 7. 

Jak vidite za nejakou dobu jsem shromazdila nejakou literaturu o vyzvive, jidelnicku apod. A presne vim jak telo funguje. Princip je jednoduchy a da se rici, ze dosahnout idealni vahy, dostatku energie, krasne pleti a zdravi je hlavne o jidle. Jde o to se vyhybat polotovarum a jist nutricne vyvazena jidla v nich je jenom to co si telo dokaze opravdu odebrat a vzit to nejlepsi. Je to trosku slozitejsi, ale to si samy muzete precist a zjistit. Kazdopadne tyto veci muzou byt slozite, pokud mate uspechany zivotni styl jako ja. A pak existuje druha moznost a to podporit vase “zdrave” stravovani vyzivovymi doplnky. A to hlavne pokud jsou vytvoreny na presne podobnem principu jako “clean eating”. A proto jsem se spojila s GP Nutrition, ktera nabizi nekolik ruznych programu. A spousta z nich vam pomuze se zbavit presne takovych problemu jako mam ja po diteti. 

Na zaklade testu, ktery si muzete udelat na jejich strankach, jsem zjistila, ze nejvhodnejsi programy pro me budou SLIM Me, RESTORE Me a BOOST Me. A neni to snad ani prekvapeni. Diky neprospanym nocim potrebuju vytrvalost, zvyseni energie, zvysit kvalitu spanku a take upravit svoji zivotospravu. Nemyslim si, ze jim uplne spatne, ale napriklad v ty dny, kdy mam za sebou krusnou noc a ceka me spousta prace a schuzek a to jeste s ditetem velmi casto sklouznu k zabijakum jako je pizza, kava, vino apod. Bohuzel. 

Po vybrani nejvhodnejsi programu pro vas vam bude balicek dorucen a k nemu jsou prilozeny take instrukce a benefity vaseho programu. To se mi strasne libilo, protoze vse vypada prehledne a strucne a ja jsem ten nejhorsi clovek co se tyce procitani si nejakych letaku a vyhledavani toho, jak se vyrobek pouziva. Dalsi vec, ktera me nadchla je tak baleni. Nemusite se vymlouvat na to, ze vam produkt prisel ve velke krabici, kterou nechce tahat sebou. Vse je rozdeleno do mensich baleni, ktere si muzete vzit kazde rano ci do letadla. Jsou tak kompaktni, ze se jednoduse vlezou i do male kabelky. 

A po vyzkouseni techto programu musim prohlasit, ze jsem spokojena. Nejvice jsem si vsimla toho, ze kdyz opravdu pravidelne pouzivam My gel z programu SLIM Me, ze mam mensi zavaly chuti na sladke a vubec mensi hlad. A o tom prave je vyvazena strava a dulezite veci jako vyvazeni hladiny cukru v krvi. Vsechny tyto produkty jsou navrhnuty tak, aby vase telo bylo vyvazene a pokud jste jako, ze nemate cas si pokazde pripravit super zdrave jidlo, GP Nutrition je skvele reseni jak do tela dostat dulezite prvky a zbavit se ruznych problemu a to nejen tech po porodu. 

Pokud vas produkty zaujaly, muzete je poridit se slevou 10 %, kdyz zadate kod Glamazon1.

LOVE Glamazon xoxo 

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Top 5 Tips to Make your Mornings Nicer

10 (Image via Pinterest)

I am a morning person in general. I have usually lot of energy and always prefer to do work in the morning whether that is to create content for my blog, meet people, go to the gym or any other activity. However, some people are the total opposite and they absolutely hate mornings. Whether you are like me or the others I believe it is about positive attitude and bringing lovely routines to make your mornings better.

So I decided to put together few tips and suggestion of things you can try to make your mornings nicer. Obviously you may not be able to fit all of this in on a weekday but you may pick one to try and do the rest on Saturday or Sunday.

  1. Move your body – It can be a morning walk or a run or any other sort of exercise. I guarantee that if you do this first thing in the morning you will feel so much better.
  2. Try new methods like Hayo’u Method – A while back I wrote this article about this fab way how to start your day and shake the stress off your shoulders.
  3. It is all about the small things – Whether you like a nice cup of coffee or a hot shower do it. Whatever makes you happy. I love having a nice cup of coffee. It seems to trigger some sort of satisfaction and happiness.
  4. Plan the night before – I am a typical planner and it does help in life a lot. I set targets, goals and prepare strategy to achieve things. It is so much easier to know what you need to do that day rather than having chaos in your head already.
  5. Healthy touch – Ok, I mentioned coffee in a point three and that is not the healthiest thing on the planet. However, another thing I love is to start to healthy. I love to have a warm water with lemon or a nice green juice. There is just something about starting your day like this.

You all may have different ideas and routines however the point was to share mine. Hopefully we all get to the point when we love to wake up each day and with a big smile.

Jsem typicke ranni ptace. Rano mam vzdy nejvice energie, vstavam brzo a rana mam k vsemoznym aktivitam. Jsem schopna se v nedeli brzy vzbudit a napsat hned za sebou nekolik clanku na blog, jit cvicit, jit s nekym na snidani a mnohem vice. Ale na druhe strane jsou lide, kteri rana nesnasi a dela jim problem se vyhrabat z postele. At uz patrite do prvni ci druhe skupiny je dulezite si rana zprijemnit a prinest trosku rutiny, at vkrocite do kazdeho dne tou spravnou nohou.

Samozrejme kazdy je uplne jiny a ne vsechny nas bavi stejne veci a tak mozna v tydnu si muzete vybrat jednu z techto veci. Ale o vikendech urcite zvladnete i vice.

  1. Hybejte se – Miluju ranni pohyb a je uplne jedno, co delate. Nekdo rad plave, nekdo si jen radsi zajde na prochazku ci behat. Ten pocit kdyz skoncim nejakou aktivitu je k nezaplaceni.
  2. Zkuste nove metody jako napriklad Hayo’u – Nedavno jsem napsala clanek o nove metode, ktera trva par minut a pomuze vam zbavit se stresu.
  3. Male veci, ktere udelaji radost – Ranni kava, dobra snidane ci sprcha. Muzou to byt male ritualy, ktere vam zprijemni rano. Ja mam pocit, ze dobry salek kavy mi dodava takovy prijemny pocit radosti.
  4. Naplanujte si den predem – Ja jsem typicky planovac. Stanovuju si cile, strategie a vetsinou vim uz rano, co musim udelat. Je urcite lepsi vstat z postela a mit pevnejsi plan nez chaoticke myslenky a nevedet, co musite udelat prvni. 
  5. Zacnete zdrave – Vim, ze jsem v bode 3 zminila kavu a to asi neni ta nejzdravejsi vec na svete, ale rada zacinam den zdrave napriklad teplou vodou s citronem ci cerstvym dzusem. Neco na tom zkratka je, kdyz si prvni rano vypiju neco zdraveho. Mam pocit, ze jsem pro sebe neco udelala a den je pak zkratka jiny.

Mozna mate jine male ranni radosti a ritualy, ale chtela jsem sdilet ty me. Snad se jednou dopracujeme k tomu, ze kazde rano bude prijemne a vykouzli nam usmev na tvari. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


Happy and Healthy with HAYO’U Method

Hands up for those who can say they never feel stressed? Not many of you right? We all handle things differently. Somebody gets stressed just by missing a train and somebody gets stressed only when major issues appear in their life. However, as we go day after day these small things pile up and one day they have an impact somewhere. Whether that is back pain, skin issues or much more serious and difficult illnesses. My mum always says that all illnesses are caused originally by stress.

And what do you think at those moments when you are felling under pressure? My first thoughts are always like I wish I could be on a relaxing beach and this all would go away? Well, that is one way to do that and probably pretty expensive way. Or you can start to meditate but the question is how many of us has got that luxury of spare time for doing this? Some people to chose to go to GP and get some medication but that is definitely my least favourite choice as I believe there are no pills that make this go away.

Well, I have a solution for you. You may or may not have seen on my snapchat (evaglamazon) last week that I had a meeting in Notting Hill. I did not tell you much about it but it was my consultation with lovely Katie Brindle. She is a Chinese Physician and one of the most passionate people I met. She loves Chinese medicine and her job and it is so refreshing to meet somebody with that sort of attitude and love for something.

Katie put together her knowledge of eastern world medicine and designed HAYO’U method. Now that is perfect for somebody with two jobs, social life and busy lifestyle like myself. All you need is few minutes a day to get rid of the stress that has piled up inside your body. And you can do this thanks to one minute rituals. They are so quick and easy to do and you will find short videos and demonstrations on Katie’s website. It is set of drumming, shaking and breathing techniques to help you literally to shake the stress out of your body.

I have been doing this now for few days and what a great way to start a day! You can do it whilst your coffee machine is on or even when you are getting ready in the bathroom. It is very easy to fit it even in a busy day. My favourite technique is the breathing. I feel people underestimate the power of correct breathing and Katie advised me to try big deep breaths and when you breathe out just imagine big smile across your abdomen. I would never think something this small could have such a huge impact. Now this is something you can practice even on the way to work. You will feel energised, fresh and ready to go.

You can find all the information here where Katie explains the benefits and what is hidden behind each technique. And if there are non-believers in Chinese medicine just think about how many years this has been practiced and the results. Katie will be also launching soon range of products that can help you to improve your health even more so keep an eye on it.

It will not kill anybody to at least try. I will definitely include these short rituals in my morning routine as it makes me feel good. And isn’t that what we all want after all?

Ruce na horu ti, kteri mohou rict, ze nikdy neciti zadny stres? Moc vas neni, ze? Kazdy reaguje na problemy jinak. Nekdo nevydrzi napriklad fakt, ze mu ujel vlak a druhy se stresuje, az jsou problem mnohem vetsi. Kazdopadne jak dny ubihaji, tak nase telo a mysl je neustale vystaveno problemum, stresu apod. A za nejaky cas se tyhle momenty bohuzel nekde musi objevit. Ja napriklad hned pocitim tezky tyden ve svych zadech, ktere zacnou neskutecne bolet. Obcas je to neprijemna unavana, ale nekteri z vas urcite znaji lidi kolem sebe, kteri trpi zavaznejsimi problemy. Jak rika moje maminka…vsechny nemoci zacinaji hlavne kvuli stresu a myslim, ze na tom bude neco pravdy.

No a co si v takove momenty prejete? Mate predstavu jak se stresu zbavit? Ja se vzdy snazim myslenkama utect na krasnou plaz, predstavit si zapadajici slunce a zkratka krasne uklidnijici momenty. Ale to je ve vetsine pripadu nemozne. Nejde se jenom tak sbalit, odejit z prace a vyhodit problemy oknem.  A co treba meditace? Ale kdo ma dneska tolik casu? 

No myslim, ze mam pro vas reseni. Nekteri vas, co me sleduji na snapchatu mozna vite, ze jsem mela nedavno schuzku v Notting Hill. Mela jsem konzultaci s uzasnou Katie Brindle. Katie se venuje uz patnact let Cinske medicine a je opravdu nadherne se potkat s nekym, ktery ma v sobe tolik vasne a lasky pro to, co dela. 

Katie prisla na trh s metodou Hayo’u. Spojila sve znalosti vychodni mediciny a vytvorila minutove ritualy, ktere pomahaji se zbavit stresu. Na svych strankach demostruje v kratkem videu jak tyhle ritualy provadet. Jedna se opravdu o par minut denne, ktere vam pomohou nastartovat den pozitivne a citit se lepe. Muj nejoblibenejsi ritual je dychani. Priznavam se, ze obcas zapominam na to jak napriklad spravne dychani muze cloveku ulevit. Je opravdu jednoduche tyto ritualy zaradit i do takoveho dne, ktere mam ja.

Staci praktikovat dychani a ostatni ritualy pri ranni hygiene, ci kdyz cekate nez se vam uvari kava. A v tom je to kouzlo. V dnesni uspechane dobe je cas jedna z nejcenejsich veci. Ja ritualy provadim uz nekolik dni a muj den hned zacina lepe. Za zkousku prece nic nedate.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

Purifyne Juice Detox


I have been flirting with the idea of juice detox for a while. My life is quite hectic and it involves lot of socialising, restaurant reviews and that means sometimes not the most healthy life style. I felt when spring is here I am going to try juice detox. I decided to go for Purifyne Juice Cleanse after reading some very positive reviews. I wanted something short but effective. I decided to go for a three day green cleanse that would help me to alkalise my body.

I decided to start on Wednesday and my juicing pack was delivered around 10 am. I started my day with a hot water with lemon as I would do on any day anyway. The pack has got four juices, one raw alkaline soup and some extras like colosan powders or epsom salt. You get a schedule that tells you what to use at what time of the day. Everything is very clear and honestly it would be hard to make any mistakes. The whole pack is 240 £ however it is great as for three days you do not have to worry about food shopping or cooking.

Day 1 was the easiest as I was still full from a previous day however I had the worst headache ever. I appreciate you are probably not allowed to take Ibuprofen when you are on detox but I could not stand the pain. It did not seem to work much anyway so maybe it is a part of the detox. Some people say the headache is caused by toxins coming out and some said it may be because my body is used to caffeine and I just did not drink any coffee during the detox. I got through the day quite easy and finished my day with a hot bath with epsom salt which is a part of the cleanse.

Day 2 was the day when I started to feel a bit hungry in the afternoon. It was not hunger as you know it just a little one but every time I would drink the juice it would stop. My favourite juice everyday was definitely morning bliss as it was sweet and it was so nice to start a day with something like this. It  was not the best day to go for a cocktail making masterclass but I was invited as a blogger so I went. I felt very tired but I managed to drink just water the whole evening. So you can still socialise but you are probably very boring. LOL.

Day 3 was the hardest. A friend of mine told me it will get easy but it did not. I was not overly hungry but I felt weak. On a third day I wished I did this over the weekend so I could just sleep whenever I felt down. Also I must admit that the raw alkaline soup was my least favourite and I felt like I could not even finish it on the last day. However when you get this far you know it would be silly to give up so I managed to get through the day and went home to relax.

I woke up on Saturday morning feeling very clean and fresh. On Friday I went for a facial as a reward I managed to get through this cleanse and my skin looks so good now. Every day you can measure with a stick how much acid is in your body and what a pleasant surprise it was on a last day when the stick was green. It means my body was alkalised and balanced. I would definitely do it again but I would do things differently. Perhaps do this over the weekend and definitely make sure your daily plan lets you to rest. I can only recommend Purifyne Juice Cleanse as the service is so good and every day they send you updates and cleansing tips that keep you motivated.

And how about you? Any experience with similar detox or perhaps are you planning to do one?

Uz delsi dobu jsem premyslela, ze bych mela nastavit ve svem stravovacim rezimu nejaky detox. Muj zivot je docela hekticky a travim spoustu casu nekde v restauracich a na akcich. A to ma za nasledek to, ze ne vzdy dokazu udrzet zdravy zivotni styl. Kazde rano piju kavu a neskonci to u jedne. Ta mi nejak pomaha byt cely den na nohou a take si zprijemnit nabity den. A tak jsem se rozhodla pro tridenni dzusovy detox. Udelala jsem mensi pruzkum trhu a rozhodla se pro Purifyne Juice Cleanse. Vybrala jsem si tridenni program green cleanse, ktery pomaha zalkalizovat vase telo. Jak asi vite v nasem tele se shromazduji kyseliny a prave tento program vam pomuze telo dostat do optimalniho prostredi bez velkeho mnozstvi kyselin. S detoxem jsem zacala ve stredu. Kuryr mi privezl cely balik v deset rano a ja jsem zacala den stejne jako kazdy den teplou vodou s citronem. V baliku jsou ctyri dzusy na kazdy den a prevazuji ty zeleninove. Najdete tam taky colosean prasek, specialni caj a take pasky, ktere vam meri, kolik mate v tele kyselin. 

Prvni den byl asi nejsnazsi. Mozna je to tim, ze jsem byla plna z predchoziho dne, ale treba je to tim, ze je to vsechno takove nove a clovek se tesi, az telo procisti. Co me ale nemile prekvapilo byla silena bolest hlavy. Takova celodenni bolest na kterou nic nezabira me opravdu zaskocila. Urcite jsem si v dobe detoxu nemela davat zadne leky, ale neslo to vydrzet. Zajimave je, ze ani ibuprofen nezabral. Nekdo tvrdi, ze hlava boli, protoze se z tela vyplavuji toxiny a nekteri zase, ze telo trpi nedostatkem kofeinu, na ktery je zvykle.

Druhy den se dostavily prvni pocity hladu. Nebyl to sileny hlad, spise mensi a vzdy kdyz jsem dopila dzus, tak jsem se citila plna. Spis to byla touha jist normalni pevnou stravu. Uplne nejvic jsem se vzdy tesila na rano na dzus Morning Bliss, ktery mi chutnal nejvice, protoze v nem prevazovalo ovoce. Odpoledne se ale poprve dostavila velka unava, ktera je u detoxu normalni. Mela jsem pocit, ze se v praci nemuzu na nic soustredit, ale zvladla jsem to. Navic jsem ten vecer mela akci pro blogerky, kde jsme se ucili delat koktejly. Vydrzela jsem to a pila jenom vodu. Takze smekam sama pred sebou.

Treti den byl asi nejtezsi. Citila jsem se nejvice hladna a hlavne strasne unavena. Kdybych delala detox znova asi bych se rozhodla, aby mi treti den vysel na vikend, protoze clovek se muze zachranit tim, ze proste jde spat nebo si lehne. Prislo mi to tezke se soustredit v praci a opravdu jsem se nemohla dockat pevne stravy. Porad to nebyl obrovsky hlad, ale myslim, ze kousek ovoce by to zachranil. Na obed je kazdy den takova cerstva polevka a kazdy den je jina. Neda se rict, ze je to polevka, je to spis dzus, ktery je trochu ochuceny a ta mi teda kazdy den chutnala nejmene.  Treti den jsem mela co delat, abych ji dojedla. LOL.

Nebylo to jednoduche, ale s detoxem jsem spokojena. Probudila jsem se v sobotu rano velmi svezi a s velmi plochym briskem a tesila se na prvni snidani. Prvnich par dni se doporucuje jist opatrne a hodne cerstveho ovoce. Ja jsem asi telu dala sok avokadovym toustem a kavou, ale kdyz ja se tak strasne tesila. Kazdy den si muzete zmerit jak jste na tom s kyselinama ve vasem tele. Soucasti balicku jsou pasky, ktere vam ukazi jestli ma vase telo zalkalisovane prostredi. A svete div se..fungovalo to. Prvni den jsem mela stale hodne kyselin a treti den uz ne. Myslim, ze bych do toho sla znovu a je to opravdu zpusob jak procistit telo za kratkou dobu. A hlavne jsem si uvedomila, jak jsem zavisla na kave, takze asi zacnu pit jenom jednu denne nebo prejdu na kavu bez kofeinu.

A co vy? Vyzkouseli jste nekdy neco podobneho? Nebo se chystate? 

Love Glamazon xoxo