2016 is here and I am currently in Hong Kong looking over the shoulder to recap on 2015. Every year I write a short review of the previous one and I can say 2015 was a great one.
Thanks to Glamazon blog I met new friends, inspiring people, traveled a lot and made lot of dreams come true. One of the biggest surprises was when I was approached by a publishing house to write a book and it will be my 2016 resolution to actually make this happen.
I worked with some fantastic brands on different collaborations and campaigns and I wanted to thank them this way for all these wonderful opportunities. There were many firsts like visiting Cannes film festival and travelling to places I have never been to like Hong Kong. However, each trip was full of fun and I enjoyed every single of them. I managed to attend London and Paris Fashion week which opened lot of new opportunities. Traveling was big for me in 2015 and I managed to visit Belgium, Cannes and Nice several times, Spain, Paris several times, Sicily, Rome, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Ireland and of course my sweet Czech Republic where I always like to come back.
One of the big milestones in my life was the fact I got married. Some of you may not know as that is one thing I wanted to really keep private. And I am glad I did it. If you life is so public it is so special to keep that one thing just for yourself and close friends.
And in blogging I had a great year when it comes to printed and online media coverage. For the first time I appeared in Vogue and not just British Vogue however also Vogue China or Vogue Australia. Couple of days ago I was featured in the top 50 looks on Who What Wear which is a great end of 2015. My looks from Fashion Weeks appeared in many top looks in magazines like Harpers Bazaar or Cosmopolitan but I also appeared on the cover of Grazia Magazine. I still cannot believe it.
Thanks to you my readers Glamazon Blog again ended up in the top ten blogs in the Blogger of the year in Czech Republic. I feel it is a great achievement to be there three years in a row.
I hope that 2016 will bring even more success and joy to you all and myself and we will have more reasons to smile about. I wish you all the best in 2016 and thank you for your support and that you keep coming back.
Jelikoz jsem prave vkrocila do noveho roku tak jsem chtela alespon kratce sepsat takovou rekapitulaci toho predchoziho. Rok 2015 byl vyborny. Jako snad pro mnohe z nas jsem mela sve stastne i ty mene stastne chvile, ale pro Glamazon blog to byl urcite rok uspechu a dalsiho vyvoje.
Diky blogu jsem spolupracovala se skvelyma znackama, opet navstivila Londynsky a Parizsky tyden mody a hlavne hodne cestovala. Jsem opravdu vdecna, ze diky tomu co mam rada muzu delat dokonce vice veci, ktere miluju jako napriklad cestovani.
Jednou z veci, ze kterych mam nejvetsi radost je, ze jsem v unoru byla oslovena jestli bych mela zajem napsat knihu. A mym predsevzetim pro rok 2016 bude tohle uskutecnit.
Diky blogu jsem se zucastnila skvelych akci a procestovala krasna mista. Poprve jsem mela moznost si vyzkouset atmosferu filmoveho festivalu v Cannes a navstivit i jina skvela mista. V roce 2015 jsem byla v Belgii, nekolikrat v Parizi, nekolikrat v Nice a Cannes, Rime, Spanelsku, Irsku, Hong Kongu, Malajsii a take na Sicilii. I kdyz je to pri praci a blogovani velmi narocne, vsechny cesty jsem si uzila na maximum.
Jsem vdecna za kazdou kampan a spolupraci v roce 2015 a take za skvele zminky v tistenych a online mediich. Poprve jsem se objevila naprikla ve Vogue at uz v Britskem, Cinskem ci Australskem a pred par dny jsem mela velkou radost z fotografie na Who What Wear. A snad nejvetsim uspechem byla fotografie jednoho z mych outfitu na titulni strane Britske Grazie. Nekolikrat jsem se objevila mezi top looky z Fashion Weeku a to opravdu potesi na srdci.
No asi vite, ze jsem jiz tretim rokem byla v top 10 v Blogerce roku a to jenom diky vam.
A v neposledni rade bych chtela rici, ze jsem poznala spousty skvelych lidi a nasla nove pratele. Coz je v zivote kazdeho velmi dulezite. A take jsem chtela zminit, ze jsem se v roce 2015 i vdala. Byla to jedna z veci, kterou jsem si chtela nechat jenom pro sebe a nikde nepublikovat zadne fotografie. Kdyz je vas zivot tak verejny je strasne krasne mit jednu vec takto pro sebe a pro vase blizke. A jsem rada, ze jsem tomu tak ucinila.
Pevne doufam, ze rok 2016 bude velmi uspesny a plny radosti a lasky jak pro me tak pro vas.
Budu moc rada, kdyz se budete na Glamazon Blog vracet a chci vam podekovat za dosavadni podporu.
Love Glamazon xoxo