Category Archives: Lifestyle

Brunch Date at GAIL’s

18 Two Sundays ago I went with my man to one of my favourite spots in Dulwich for brunch. Gail’s bakery is one place where I always love to go back. Sometimes when I go for brunch I dress up but most of the times I keep it easy and comfortable. So I put on some ripped jeans, polo neck, snake skin boots and headed to Dulwich village. I have spent endless Sunday mornings there either with a book on my own or in a good company. Especially now in the autumn this spot has got such a magic surrounded by leaves and as soon as you enter you smell all the fresh pastries and delicious bread.

I love to sit there with my coffee and just watch customers coming in and out…buying bread, croissants and cakes. However you can also sit down and have some healthy food and relax. One of the reasons why this place is so good is thanks to a big selection of healthy fresh juices, organic food, gluten free cakes and pastries and great coffee. When we visited Gail’s last time we went for smoked salmon with eggs, then bacon with eggs and also Shakshuka which is made of baked eggs, feta cheese and roasted pepper stew. It is one of the best brunch dishes I have ever tried.

You do not have to travel all the way to Dulwich as you can find more than 20 bakeries around including Notting Hill, South Kensington and more. If you want to get properly involved you can try to book their baking classes. You can try any of them but imagine how fabulous would be to go and do some festive baking before holidays. It must be such a fun afternoon.

Wherever you live if you pass this place give it a go as you will definitely fall in love.

Miluju chodit na brunche, ale to neni zadna novinka. Je to pro me doba, kdy mohu stravit kvalitni cas se svou druhou polovickou ci kamarady. Obcas se i rada hezky oblecu, ale vetsinou mi postaci dziny, sako a nejaka hezka kabelka. Mam v Londyne nekolik oblibenych mist, ale vetsinu vikendu travim ve svem okoli v jiznim Londyne. Jedna z mych oblibenych pekaren je Gail’s a ta zaroven slouzi jako kavarna.

Moje nejblizsi se nachazi v Dulwich village, kde strasne rada travim volne chvile bud sama s knizkou nebo v dobre spolecnosti. Miluju jenom tak sedet popijet kavu a sledovat zakazniky jak si v nedeli rano chodi koupit cerstvy chleba a pecivo. Jeden z duvodu proc mam tohle misto moc rada je nejen nadherne misto a atmosfera, ale take siroka nabidka bezlepkoveho peciva, dortu a velky vyber zdraveho jidla. Obvzlast ted na podzim je tam tak nadherne. Kolem kavarny je popadane listi a to pusobi opravdu magicky.

Pred dvema tydny jsem si zasla na vynikajici nedelni brunch a vyber byl opravdu veliky. Dala jsem si uzeneho lososa s vajickama a muj muz si dal toast s vajicky, slaninou a taky jsme chteli zkusit zapekany fetta syr s paprikama, vajickem a rajcaty. Dala jsem si take cerstvy zeleny dzus a jejich vybornou kavu. Gail’s take nabizi kurzy peceni. Muzete si zaplatit odpoledni kurz a vyzkouset si nejake jejich recepty na vyborne pecivo a bochniky chleba. Myslim, ze to by bylo krasne stravene odpoledne.

Uz ted se tesim na dalsi navstevu.

Love Glamazon xoxo

2 Shop the look here:

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Paris Photo Diary


At the moment I am probably sipping coffee in one of the beautiful streets of Rome however I wanted to share with you the last few photographs from Paris Fashion Week. It is always such a beautiful experience and I wanted to share with you a bit of atmosphere from another fantastic stay. There is just something magical about this place and I love going back.

Ted pravdepodobne sedim v roztomile Rimske kavarne u salku kavy, ale jeste jsem s vama naposledy chtela sdilet atmosferu z Parizskeho Fashion Weeku. Vybrala jsem par ruznych fotografii, ktere snad dokazou i pres obrazovky prinest me zazitky i do vasich domovu. Pariz je proste magicke misto a strasne rada se tam vracim.

Love Glamazon xoxo
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Hotel Balmoral Paris


It feels like ages since I have returned back from Paris Fashion Week and I am off again today. This time I am going to one of the most beautiful cities in Italy – Rome. However it would not be me if I did not share with you more about a place I stayed in throughout the whole stay in Paris. I cannot describe how warm and welcoming was Hotel Balmoral in Paris that is situated just few meters away from Arch de Triumph.

I stayed in one of their suites which is big enough and has got even three super sweet balconies….just what fashion bloggers need in order to create some great content. And I cannot forget the walk in wardrobe! Very much needed with all the stuff I brought. The suite has got very large and lovely bathroom (and my beloved soft bathrobes…I cannot be without those). There is nothing better when you have a hot shower after long PFW day and wrap yourself in one of those crispy bathrobes and throw your legs up.

Balmoral has got very welcoming lobby that is decorated in a tasteful way. The only thing I missed was perhaps bit of more selection for the breakfast as I do love my scrambled eggs and bacon (I know naughty). However you have enough of fresh pastries and even crepes to select from. If you are more into sweet start in the morning then you will not be disappointed.

The service and lovely staff makes this place even nicer. So you know where to go one your next trip to Paris.

Prijde mi to cela vecnost, co jsem se vratila z Parizskeho Fashion Weeku a dneska odletam do Rima. Ale to bych nebyla ja abych vam neukazala, kde jsem se tuto sezonu ubytovala. Prijala jsem pozvani od maleho hotelu Balmoral, ktery se nachazi doslova par metru od Arch de Triumph. Opet skvela lokace a par metru od metra. Idealni na fashion week.

Hotel me ubytoval v jednom z jejich suites s velkou koupelnou, balkonky a take satnikem. Ano presne co potrebuju behem tyden mody. Tvorit krasne fotky na kouzelnych francouzkych balkonech a mit dostatek mista na vsechno me obleceni. 

Snidane byla bohata, ale protoze ja mam radsi spise slane veci opravdu mi chybely michane vajicka. Zvlaste protoze to neni zase az tak levny hotel. Na snidani najdete cerstve pecivo, ale vetsi vyber je spise v sekci sladkeho vyberu. No a to me moc nebere. Kdyz jsem nekde na dovolene potrebuju vajicka a slaninu (detox a diety jdou stranou). 

Kazdopadne vsichni byli moc mili a hotel rada doporucim. Vyborna lokace a skvele ubytovani.

Love Glamazon xoxo 
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Tip of the week…Peninsula Hotel in Paris

It would be fair to say that breakfast or brunch is my favourite meal of the day. So when the hotel Peninsula in Paris invited me to come along with my friends to enjoy their hospitality I said yes straight away.

Our Sunday morning started with style and luxury and it could not be any different in this place. Top class service, decoration and food so delicious that you will always want to come back. We all went for American breakfast that consists of fresh selection of juices, selection of yoghurts and tasty poached eggs with parma ham. And I cannot forget to mention those delicious pastries.

The hotel itself is so stunning that you are not sure where to look. I think this is what everybody is looking for when staying or eating in hotel….great service, good quality food and warm welcome. If you want a bit of luxury in life you definitely have to go there.

Myslim, ze nebudu lhat kdyz reknu, ze snidane a brunch je moje nejoblibenejsi jidlo dne. A tak kdyz me Parizsky hotel Peninsula pozval na velkou snidani tak jsem nevahala a rekla ano. A kdo by take odmitl hotel Peninsula? Misto kde se behem fashion weeku ubytovavaji modelky z Victoria Secret a take nejvetsi top blogerky. Od pratel jsem na toto misto slysela jenom samou chvalu a opravdu jsem se nemohla dockat.

V nedeli rano jsem s holkama vydala na snidani  a mohla jsem jenom potvrdit vsechny predesle pozitivni recenze. Hotel Peninsula nabizi prvotridni servic, dech berouci interier a vyborne jidlo. Ja jsem se rozhodla si dat Americkou snidani. A soucasti tohoto menu jsou cerstve ovocne dzusy, vyber jogurtu a take vajicka s italskou sunkou. A nesmim zapomenout na vynikajici francouzske pecivo. Myslim, ze je toho az az a clovek zapasi s mnozstvim jidla. Hladu se nikdo obavat nemusi. 

Pokud chcete zkusit trochu luxusu a budete v Parizi tak urcite se sem bezte najist a nebo hned ubytovat. Ja se do Peninsuly urcite vratim. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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