Category Archives: Lifestyle

Ceru at London Riviera

Sun, cocktails, sun beds, music, water…No I am not talking about Spanish promenade. You can find this paradise in the middle of London. You may remember my review of Ceru Restaurant that serves mouth watering street inspired food and this time you can experience their delicious menu down at London Riviera next to Tower Bridge. I was invited alongside other bloggers like Muriel and my friend Margita to enjoy a lovely warm evening along the river Thames filled with music, food and cocktails.

I had a marvellous time and we even spoke to the head chef Tom Kime who introduced his latest street food cook book. I now wish I was working down at More London so I can pop out every lunch break and have their lamb shoulder every day (with a sneaky cocktail to go with it).

If you pass by this is truly fantastic experience and pleasure for your taste buds. I am sure you will find me there as well. LOL

Slunicko, koktejly, lehatka, hudba a uzasna atmosfera….nemluvim o spanelske promenade, ale o nove pop up restauraci hned vedle Towere Bridge. Mozna si pamatujete, kdyz jsem psala pred par mesici o vyborne restauraci Ceru. Ta se prave presunula na leto podel reky Temze a serviruje presne tak vynikajici jidlo, jak si pamatuju. Byla jsem pozvana vedle dalsich blogeru stravit dohromady prijemny vecer a jeste ted se mi sbihaji sliny. Na veceri jsem sla i s kamaradkou Margitou, ktera si nemohla atmosferu vynachvalit.

Prisel nas osobne pozdravit i sef kuchar Tom Kime, ktery nam jednotlive chody postupne predstavil a take nam predstavil svou novou knihu a prozradil, ze Ceru otvira take v Sydne. Takze se maji u protinozcu na co tesit. 

Jestli mate v lete cestu do Londyna a vyjde vam pocasi, urcite si sem zaskocte, protoze atmosfera i jidlo jsou zde na jednicku.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Fun at Cannes Festival


I am not sure how many of you have visited Cannes however it is a stunning place. It looks so perfect and groomed and the sea has got a colour which would be even hard to describe. It is that perfect turquoise blue that can change depending on the time of the day. The promenade full of palm trees does not offer just a joy to local joggers and tourists. The place is full of high end boutiques and big designer names.

And these are probably the things that make this little town perfect for holding a film festival. Few days ago I visited a popular Cannes Festival and had the best time ever with my dear friend Tereza Srbova. Tereza is a Czech born actress who you may know from HBO TV series Strike Back. And let me tell you one thing it is great to have an insider like her in a place like this. If you ever plan your trip here without any invitations be prepared. There is a security man at each corner and a bit of of chaos. The streets are crowded with tourists who are hungry to take a picture of some celeb. If you do not have that magic pass hanging on your neck it is hard to get anywhere.

 I honestly thought the atmosphere was incredible. I left rainy and cold London and few hours later I was in this paradise full of glamour and buzz. I am sure we all have seen the best red carpet moments of this 68th festival but the fashion does not always stay glamorous in the streets of Cannes. There were times I could not believe my eyes. Just because you are a tourist you do not have to look like you just finished a 30 miles hike in the forest right? It is almost like Cannes has got these two faces of fashion. One side that glitters and the other side is the greyest grey you could find on the colour palette. And I loved all the stories Tereza told me about how it actually all works. So all these beautiful celebrities are preparing hours and days for their red carpet moment and it literally takes few minutes. The paparazzi take the pictures and that is it. Yes, they are meant to go to that movie streaming however most of them just don’t go. I just felt like what a waste of time. You put all that effort in looking your best for just few moments? Well on the other hand I kind of understand as us bloggers know this very well.

And these are not the only faces of Cannes Festival. Then we have the business side. We popped in to Carlton Hotel for a quick coffee with a friend that is a film producer. And let me tell you something. There are actually people working very hard during the festival. It is not just all fun and parties but tough business. Everybody is networking, meeting, trying to get the next big movie star for their movie. These people do not stop. He actually described it as a speed dating which made me laugh a bit as I know that is probably one of the worst things to experience. You are trying hard to impress somebody within a space of few minutes. Not an easy job. Tereza and I passed also by a very ordinary cafe called La Petit Majestic which is actually the place where all the producers and people from the movie industry gather. If she did not tell I would never ever guessed that.

And as the day was going I got a text from another friend that was coming to Cannes on that day. She was asking me what my plans were for the evening. I was thinking is that an invite? LOL

My other friend is a model and she was visiting with few friends from the industry. People from modelling industry have almost a free ticket to get here. They just come there to enjoy the big parties and the beach. They bring that extra glamour and super long legs to every hot spot in Cannes.

So all these people are together in a town that has got only around 70 000 inhabitants. They make the place to look even more glamorous and stylish than it is on any other day. I loved every single moment and hopefully I will be back. So watch out Cannes.

 Have an amazing day my lovelies.

Miluju Cannes a uprimne jsem tam prozila jednu z nejlepsich dovolenych a hrozne rada se tam vracim. Takze pozvanka navstivit mesto behem festivalu mi udelala strasnou radost. Moje kamaradka Tereza, kterou uz mozna z blogu znate a ja jsme si to opravdu uzily. Tereza je hlavne znama diky roli v HBO serialu Strike Back. A pokud  ten nesledujete, tak vim, ze mela roli v Ceskem serialu Sanitka. Tereza mela vecer velkou gala veceri v hotelu Du Cap a tak jsme mely cely den co resit. 

Pocasi nam vyslo na jednicku a zacaly jsme obedem v Cafe Armani. Musim priznat, ze jsem si celou dobu pripadala jako v raji. Pred par hodinama jsem jeste byla v uprsenem Londyne a najednou se objevim v centru festivalu, kde jsem obklopena uzasnou atmosferou ze vsech stran. Lide si nas na ulici porad fotili, nebo se chteli fotit s nama.

Nas kamarad je producent a tak jsme proklouzly i do mist, kde se normalne zadny smrtelnik nedostane. LOL. A pokud sledujete muj snapchat, tak asi vite, ze po ceste na kavu do hotelu Carlton, jsem narazila na Petru Faltynovou. Je to docela vtipne narazit zrovna na jineho Cecha zrovna behem Cannes Festivalu. No ale i to se stava. Podarilo se mi vyfotit i kavarnu Le Petit Majestic, kde se schazi lide z filmoveho prumyslu. Dokonce pry i ty nejvetsi scenaristi a producenti z Hollywoodske sceny. A vidite to vypada tak nenapadne. 

No a samozrejme jsem vam musela nafotit, co mame na sobe. Tak snad se vam to libi a stejne tak i ostatni fotky. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Hyatt Regency Nice Palais de la Méditerranée

I have a sweet spot for good and beautiful things and I would love to introduce you to my latest crush. It is not the hot new actor but fabulous hotel in Nice. Last weekend during my visit at Cannes festival and few days at Cote d’Azur I accepted an invitation and stayed in a lovely Hyatt Regency Nice Palais de la Mediterranee. From the very first moment I felt like a royalty and I got the best of everything. Even the weather was nice to me so it felt so good to enjoy my first coffee on their luxurious terrace with a breathtaking sea view. I could not wait to explore this place more. The staff was so welcoming and helpful and that is what you would expect from a place like this anyway.

I stayed in a hotel room with incredible city view on the 8th floor so you can imagine what it felt like to wake up to that in the morning. And I cannot forget the bathrobes as you know how fussy I am about these. The hotel really thought of every little detail to make anybody feel very spoiled. If you just look at the terrace with a pool and people seemed to be so relaxed sipping their drinks in the sun. And the breakfast experience is just unbelievable as you get the best food with that view. Whether you fancy English breakfast, pastries, fruit or pancakes. They literally have everything on the menu. One thing I have noticed is that you even get stevia for your tea or coffee. I have never seen that in UK neither in Czech Republic. I discovered this pure and natural sweetener a while back and to have it in a hotel was a big surprise.

And then there is this smell…I kept going on about the amazing smell in the lobby and corridors of this Park Hyatt hotel. They have specifically designed fragrance which is just so soft and so chic that really takes this place to the next level. I wish I could have it at home but nobody is going to give out their secret formula right?

I hope I can come to this place again because they really made me feel so welcomed and looked after me in the best possible way.

PS: It is my birthday on Sunday so I really cannot wait for my big birthday weekend to start.

Pokud me sledujete na snapchatu a instagramu, tak asi vite o me nedavne navsteve jizni Francie. Minuly vikend jsem prijala pozvani od  hotelu Hyatt Regency Nice Palais de la Mediterranee a stravila den na festivalu Cannes a uzivala si prodlouzeny vikend v Nice. Cely vikend mi prisel jako sen a priznavam se, ze jsem opravdu v pondeli trpela, kdyz jsem se musela vratit do prace a uprseneho Londyna. Od prvniho momentu jsem se v hotelu citila jako princezna. Kazdy detail maji opravdu promysleny a z kazdeho koutu cisela pohoda a luxus. Jak vidite hotel ma uzasnou terasu sdech beroucim vyhledem na more a tam jsem si kazde rano uzivala snidani a vybornou kavu. 

Ja jsem byla ubytovana v pokoji s vyhledem na mesto a prestoze vyhled na more by se mi asi libil vic, tak jsem byla unesena. Probudit se kazde rano s takovym vyhledem opravdu stoji za to. Byla jsem taky nadsena, ze hotel mel v sladidel i stevii. Tu jsem objevila teprve nedavno, ale protoze se snazim jist zdrave, tak jse zacala sladit vsechno stevii. Prisaham, ze tohle jsem v Britanii nezazila a myslim, ze ani v Cesku. 

Opravdu bych se nejradsi vratila a odpocivala s nejakym dobrym koktejlem u bazenu. Nechtelo se mi vubec domu. Doufam, ze se sem znovu vratim, protoze se o me starali jako o princeznu. 

Preji vam krasny vikend.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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Tip of the week Luc Salsedo in Nice

Finding a good place to eat in during your holidays can be a bit of a challenge. The first night was really hit or miss and myself and my boyfriend were walking around lovely streets of Nice to find a good place. Well, it was a miss. The food was average or maybe even worse. So the second night we rather consulted our options with concierge in our hotel. And man that was such a good thing to do.

He recommended this fabulous place founded by Luc Salsedo who is a local and is a michelin star chef. The place was exactly as described. It is very small but everything is very fresh and they change the menu every ten days. The menu is not big but enough to chose from. My personal favourite was the starter which was flower zucchini coated and fried and it was accompanied by mouthwatering sauces and vegetables. However the other courses were super delicious as well and I was very pleased with their service as well.

We arrived very early (yes we are Europeans not French) and after a while the restaurant was full of other Europeans. Lol.

And now I know why. This place was just fantastic.

 If you are ever in Nice you should definitely stop by for a dinner as you will not be disappointed.

Najit dobrou restauraci na dovolene muze byt obcas pekny orisek. Prvni vecer v Nice jsme proste chodily naslepo v malebnych ulickach a po dlouhem hledani jsme proste vesly do restaurace, ktera byla v zaveru podprumerna. A tak druhy vecer po porade s recepcnim u nas v hotelu jsme se rozhodli vyzkouset restauraci Luc Salsedo.

Luc pochazi z Nice, ale pracoval dlouho v restauracich s Michelin hvezdickou a pote si otevrel tuhle malickou, ale vybornou restauraci. Menicko se meni kazdych deset dni a je upraveno podle toho, co je zrovna v sezone. Vsechny suroviny jsou cerstve a udajne nemaji ani lednicku. A opravdu jsem byla tak nadsena, ze jsem se rozhodla napsat cely post. Menu neni moc dlouhe a z kazdeho chodu mate na vyber tri jidla. Ja i pritel jsme byly nejvice nadseni z predkrmu, coz byla smazena cuketa, nebo abych to upresnila kytka z cukety. A to bylo doplnene zeleninou a vynikajici omackou. Jeste ted se mi sbihaji sliny. 

V restauraci jsme byly asi prvni nebo druzi hoste (to vite Evropane) a za chvili bylo misto zcela plne (dalsi Evropani). Haha 

Pokud se nekdy chystate do Nice, tak sem urcite zajdete, protoze nebudete urcite tak zklamani jako ja prvni vecer. 

Love Glamazon xoxo

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