When the weather gets colder you have less things to do. In the summer there are so many options from BBQs to amazing trips on the boat or picnics. Winter does not bring that many options and you just want to snuggle on the sofa with a book or a good movie. Or you have another option…to grab your friend and have a lovely lunch in a cosy place, drink in a cute pub or just coffee in your favourite spot in the town.
So on Sunday I messaged my friend to put on a warm coat and come to my side of the City. I met Tereza in the afternoon and we headed in this rainy weather to one of the cutest places in London – Dulwich Village. It was her first time here and she loved it. I booked a table for lunch in Rocca which you have read about on my blog before. She put on an awesome outfit as always and wore Temperley top, Rag & Bone leather trousers, vintage waistcoat and fantastic Burberry coat which I forgot to snap for you. I went for less sexy and more cosy Asos faux fur gilet, Zara jeans and boots and handy Balenciaga bag. Well, I was definitely warm for sure.
We both try to be good with food so carbs were not really on our menu. Tereza was a great inspiration…finally Sunday without cheating with chocolate. LOL
And as the time was passing we did not feel like going home at all…so much to catch up on and trust me..she is full of great stories, ideas and inspiration. We moved few meters down the road to the cutest cafe in the village – Gail’s. We continued in our chit chat while warming our hands with delicious hot latte and mint tea. Oh, life is great with friends around. And Dulwich is such a sweet and magical place.
So I encourage all of you to make the best plans with you and your best friends for the next weekend. Don’t just sit home and have fun with your bestie in the hottest spot in your town.
Kdyz se venku ochladi, clovek ma hned mene moznosti, jak se zabavit. V lete nevite, co prvni a existuje tolik moznosti…od grilovani, pres piknik az po party na lodi. Bohuzel v zime se nikomu nikam nechce, nejradeji by se uvelebil v kresle s knizkou. Prijde mi, ze jedina z moznosti je dat si rande s kamaradkou v krasne hospudce a nebo si treba dat obed v prijemne restauraci.
V nedeli jsem se potkala s kamaradkou Terezkou a prestoze prselo, tak jsem se vydala do jedne z mych oblibenych restauraci v Dulwich Village – Rocca. Obe se momentalne snazime se trosku hlidat v jidle, takze jidlo bylo bez karbohydratu a jsem rada, ze jsem mela takoveho partaka, protoze jsem zvladla vikend bez nejakych velkych hrichu. Trikrat hura. A tady nas den nekoncil, protoze znate to, kdyz mate nejvice rozpovidano…tak se vam nechce domu a tak jsme se se odebraly do kavarny Gail’s na latte. Pokud budete mit nekdy cestu do teto casti, tohle krasne a utulne misto vas urcite nezklame a maji neskutecny vyber lakaveho peciva a taky i zdravejsich salatu.
Terezka se jako vzdy nadherne oblekla a dala si na sebe kozene kalhoty Rag & Bone, Temperley top a prekrasny Burberry kabat, ktery jsem vam zapomela vyfotit. Ja jsem jako vzdy byla lenivejsi a chtela byt co nejvic v teple a tahle vesta z Asosu me kazdopadne zahrala. A jak vidite, pocasi vas nemusi zastavit od toho si uzivat vikendu na plne obratky.
A doufam, ze uz planujete podobny vikend s kamaradkou ve vasi oblibene kavarne.
At zije vikend a pratele.
Love Glamazon xoxo
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