So here is my first adventure and pictures from my Thomson press trip to Marrakech. I must say this place is a perfect destination for a long weekend. You can do so much in a space of few days and enjoy the atmosphere. The first day after a big breakfast (you know how much I love good hotel breakfast) we headed to see the town and local mosque. I could not believe how fantastic the atmosphere was as you see so many people on their scooters and the roads are so busy. And how cute are all the horses and donkeys? What an incredible place. You do not see that in London everyday when donkey stands on almost each corner.
The place is so buzzing and I love how diverse this city is. You can have a local grocers with an Arabic Coca-Cola sign and there is an Apple store just next to that. I felt like every corner can offer something and the architecture, the stone work and the colours create this complex wonderful place. If you are asking me about the picture of the cat….they are just everywhere. I was told that people adopt them and you literally see them in the square, round the mosques or in the Souk. They are just a typical touch to this wonderful city. We popped in to a local museum to look at varied art and pottery and learn more about the diverse culture coming from Berbers and also from African continent. And after we visited one of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen and people refer to them as Yves Saint Laurent Gardens. The official name is Majorelle garden however Yves being one of the previous owners and such a big fashion icon lot of people know them them under YSL Gardens. This place is like a paradise and I could actually just pictures Yves wandering around this spectacular vegetation.
I tried to capture everything with my camera and I will do my best to make a video as well so stay tuned for more.
Tak vam prinasim druhy post z meho press tripu s Thomson Holidays. Marakes me prijemne prekvapila a je to idealni misto na prodlouzeny vikend. Myslim, ze vam staci tri noci a uvidite toho tolik, ze si privezete spoustu zazitku. Je to tak rozmanite misto, ze si kazdy prijde na sve a ma opravdu nepopsatelnou atmosferu. Prvni rano jsme si po vydatne snidani (a vite jak ja miluju hotelove snidane) vysli na prochazku mestem a podivat se na mistni pamatky. Uz po ceste jsem nasavala atmosferu a vsude kolem na ulici bylo na co se divat. Silnice byly plne skutru, osliku a taky koni. No reknete … to jenom hned tak v Praze nebo v Londyne neuvidite.
Pri prochazce mestem jsme se sli podivat na ruzne mesity a zavitali jsme taky do mistniho muzea, kde byla vystava rozmanitych obrazu, porcelanu apod. Je zajimave sledovat historii Maroka, protoze byla ovlivnena z nekolika rozdilnych kultur. Marakes je plna extremu. Vedle sebe najdete mistni obchod, do ktereho by se clovek bal jit neco koupit jak unavene a spinave pusobi a hned vedle nej Apple store. A taky jsem v centru zahledla Louis Vuitton.
Po prohlidce mesta jsem navstivila jedny z nejkrasnejsich zahrad, kterym se take rika Yves Saint Laurent zahrady. Jejich prave jmeno je vsak Majorelle. Yves byl jeden z predeslych majitelu a nejak, kdyz jsem prochazela tou nadherou jsem si ho tam dokazala uplne predstavit. V zahrade bylo tolik prekrasnych fontan, rostlin, palem a dohromady tvori nepopsatelny komplex. Citila jsem v nich jako v raji.
A tohle je jenom cast z naseho vyletu. Snazila jsem se i natacet, takze hned jak budu mit vice casu, pokusim se dat neco dohromady.
Love Glamazon xoxo