This year I spent Christmas in Ireland. It was all about eating in cosy Irish Pubs and having a great time. The weather was windy and wet, the food was fantastic and the atmosphere was great as well. This year I skipped Czech Christmas and there was no dinner on New Years Eve and no carp and potatoe salad either. I wanted to do proper Irish Christmas and it was great. Just as I thought it would be. I wanted to show you some random pictures from my holidays there. Hope you like them.
Tento rok jsem travila Vanoce v Irsku. Myslim, ze poprve jsem preskocila Stedry vecer, nejedla kapra a slavila jsem proste Irske Vanoce. Pocasi bylo silene, hrozne foukalo a prselo, coz neni ani tak prekvapujici, ale jidlo bylo vyborne. Atmosfera byla take skvela a dokonce mi ani tak moc nezkazilo naladu, kdyz mi kvuli silnemu vetru zrusili let. Chtela jsem vam ukazat par random fotografii.
A co vy a Vanoce? Slavili jste letos tradicne ci netradicne?
Love Glamazon xoxo
Musí to být hodně jiné, ale nakonec, proč ne :) Krásné fotky!
Je to jine, ale taky hezke….nejvic mi chybela asi Popelka na Stedry Den :) a rodina