I am sure we all have favourite spots in our houses where we love to spend time and we appreciate the comfort and the design. Mine is actually brand new as I finally got a great and comfortable armchair for nursing. Yes, finally.
I wanted one for such a long time and I finally found it on DFS. It has been a journey though. I was deciding also in between this DFS armchair and this armchair. In the end it was the colour scheme and the measurements that helped me to decide.
Since Liam’s nursery is too small to fit anything else in there I decided to leave it in our bedroom. It was the best decision ever. This chair turned out to be the most multifunctional piece in my house and I totally love it. I use it for those moments when I want to watch something. I work whilst sitting in this chair, use it for shooting products for my blog or Instagram or leaving my handbag on it when I come from somewhere (yes guilty of that). That already ticks so many boxes.
And I actually realised that it is so important to really think about what you are getting. In the past I would just do quick decisions and went for that quick and cheap alternative but moving forward I am sticking to clever and smart purchases. That could actually be my New Year’s resolution. As after getting this gorgeous chair I found out that it is a long term investment. It is such a beautiful piece and I know when we move in future it will always have some great spot in our new home.
So how about you and buying things for your home?
Mate svoje oblibene misto u vas doma? Ja ano ale je teda docela nove. Konecne jsem si po tak dlouhe dobe poridila kreslo na kojeni. Neni teda specialni na kojeni, ale vzdy se mi libila myslenka hezkeho kresla, kde bych travila klidne chvile s miminkem.
A konecne jsem si vybrala tohle krasne kreslo a nelituju. Dokonce se z nej stalo nejvice pouzivane kreslo u nas doma. Nejen ze v nem kojim, ci krmim Liama, ale cteme mu v nem pohadky pred spanim, divam se v nem na Netflix a taky si do nej rada sednu, kdyz pracuju a pisu na blog. A v neposledni rade se z nej stal odkladac na kabelky (ano priznavam se). Zkratka jsem se do nej zamilovala.
Moje drivejsi nakupovani nabytku bylo spise o cene, ale v posledni dobe jsem se opravdu polepsila a porizovala veci, ktere vydrzi a jsou lepsi investici. Clovek nechce vkrocit domu a zjistit, ze ma vse z Ikei. Drive kdyz jsme si pronajimali byty, tak Ikea to vzdy resila, ale pomalu uz v byte mame vse vymenene a investujeme do veci, ktere nam vydrzi i kdyz se jednou prestehujeme. Bude to takove moje predsevzeti a to nakupovat nabytek a veci do bytu s rozumem a s ohledem na budoucnost.
A jak to mate vy?
Love Glamazon xoxo
In collaboration with DFS.
Kreslo je opravdu krasne. Libi se mi jak tvar, tak i barva.
Take uz koukam na to, aby nabytek neco vydrzel, proto jsem zainvestovala do postele a jidelniho stolu z masivu a nechala si ho udelat od truhlare. Z ikei toho moc ale nemam, hihi.