Wearing: Skirt Pimkie via Asos, Bag: Stella McCartney, Shoes: Ellie Goulding for Deichman, Sunglasses: Rayban, Top: Levis
So here I am one year older and thinking if also wiser. I guess so. Every year brings new lessons and something to learn and that is how we grow as individuals. I celebrated literally with baby Liam at Mallorca but it was so lovely. It was my first birthday as a mum and do you know what it was great. The lovely staff brought me little cake as a surprise and I enjoyed the good food and the Sun.
So, for those who do not follow me on social media (I think you should LOL) where I explained everything when I went to Mallorca my friend could not board due to visa issue. I swear I was thinking to stay home as you can image I was not mentally prepared to fly without help. Well, I flew with Liam on my own before but I had my parents waiting for me and I had less stuff and I had a carrier with me as well. Oh, gosh I was sweating, swearing, Liam cried a bit but only tiny bit and I was so glad when I managed to get out of the exit at the airport and met my taxi driver. Pushing the buggy and the heavy trolley is bloody hard. Why they want to go different directions? Also, please next time do not surprise by not leaving my buggy by the stairs. Liam is 10 kgs and I had two other bags on board. Anyway I made it and because I am into positive thinking I know this all happened for a good reason.
Not sure why but it could be I have a rest, I bond with Liam or just a proof I am ready to go on more press trips with my child. Hehe.
Well, although there was not anybody to take my pictures I tried to film as much as I can on my own and here is the look book video from Mallorca.
A je to tady. Jsem o rok starsi a premyslim, zda i moudrejsi. Snad ano. Kdyz se nad tim clovek zamysli, tak urcite nam kazdemu rok neco prinese. Mohou to byt nove lekce, ponauceni a tak kazdy rokem rosteme a ucime se. Ja jsem narozeniny oslavila na Mallorce s Liamkem, byly to me prvni narozeniny jako mama a nahodou jsem si to uzila. Dostala jsem od zamestnancu hotelu maly dort i se svickou a uzivala jsem si slunicka a dobreho jidla.
Pro ty, co me sleduji na Instagramu, tak vi, ze jsem puvodne neletela sama, ale kamaradka mela problemy s vizy a tak nemohla se mnou odletet. No reknu vam, ze jsem premyslela, ze nepojedu, strasne jsem se bala, jak to zvladnu sama. Tolik veci a nikdo na me necekal a nemela jsem sebou ani nositko. Myslim, ze to by pomohlo hodne. Clovek by neveril jakou to da praci tlacit kocar jednou rukou a druhou tezky vozik. Potvory vzdy chteji jet jinym smerem. Kdyz jsem vylezla ven na letisti, tak jsem si oddechla, az mi pomohl taxikar. No co vam budu povidat. Ono nejhosi bylo, ze tentokrat na me necekal kocarek u schodu, jak jsem zvykla u nekterych spolecnosti a tahnout dite v naruci, kufr a jeste jeho tasku pres cele letiste bylo asi nejhorsi. Opravdu jsem si docela makla. Hodne ale diky tomu, ze jsem nebyla pripravena.
Kazdopadne verim, ze tyhle veci se deji z nejakeho duvodu. Treba jsem si mela odpocinout, treba si jenom dokazat, ze muzu klidne sama na press tripy jezdit s Liamkem.
A i kdyz me nemel kdo fotit, tak jsem se snazila sama alespon tocit a tady je prvni video – lookbook.
Love Glamazon xoxo

Always looking astonishing Eva! Beautiful outfit! Lovely skirt!
That floral skirt is just so cute, love floral prints for summer
Beauty Candy Loves
Taky si myslím, že čím jsem starší, tím víc moudřejší, život mi pak uštědří lekce, který mě z toho přesvědčení vysvobodí :)
Sukně krásná, skvělá kombinace!
love the skirt!!