You are probably wondering why you have not seen me wearing this bag. Actually, I had a massive accident when I left it on kitchen counter few months ago. There was a leak over night and all the water soak in the leather. I wanted to cry. I mean a Mulberry bag is now 900 £ and mine was destroyed. I hoped when the water dries that I will be able to wear it and unfortunately the damage was so visible and extensive. I did lot of research online and there was no way I could solve this myself. I was flirting with an idea just to put it all in a bath but I was so scared already. Mulberry told me they can’t help me and there is nothing I can do with something like this.
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Luckily I found this place called Handbag Clinic and they saved it. This is a picture after full restoration and it looks like new. Yes the full restoration will cost a bit (200 £) but if you think how much the bag costs it is worth it and they truly did amazing job. It took longer than two months but it was worth the wait and the money. At least now I now that you can save your destroyed bags.
Mozna si rikate, ze tuhle kabelku jsem na sobe pekne dlouho nemela. No a hlavnim duvodem je to, ze jsem si ji totalne znicila. Pred par mesici jsem ji nechala na kuchynske lince a pres noc nam vytelka voda a kabelka ji vsechnu do puly nasala. Neskutecne jsem to obrecela a dala se do vyhledavani jak tuhle mega skvrnu odstranit. Bohuzel skoda byla tak rozsahla, ze jsem se obratila na tyhle profesionaly Handbag Clinic, protoze i v Mulberry mi rekli, ze mi nepomuzou. Sverila jsem tasku do odbornych rukou Handbag Clinic a ted je kabelka jako nova. Celkova restorace sice stoji 200 £ a trvala vice nez dva mesice, ale kdyz si vezmete celkovou cenu kabelky a fakt, ze takhle znicena by vam k nicemu nebyla, tak to clovek musi obetovat. Navic dokazi zmenit barvu a pomoci se skvrnou treba i od odlakovace na nehty.
Ja jsem spokojena a kabelka je jako nova. Alespon clovek vi, ze takove veci se daji zachranit.
PS: Moc rada bych byla za vase hlasy v Cosmpolitan Bloggers Awards v UK, kde je muj blog v top ten nejlepsich modnich blozich v Britanii. Volit muzete tady.
Love Glamazon
Oh no I can imagine how devastated you were- it’s always your favourite item that ends up being damaged not an old cheap thing that you don’t care about!!! Sod’s law!!
Anyway your mulberry bag looks beautiful- what a good job they did!
They did an amazing job! I can really recommend them as it looks like new!
No stát se to mě, tak mě asi šlehne. :) Navíc tady v ČR o žádné takové kabelkové klinice nevím. Ale je to skvělá věc taková klinika. Je vážně obdivuhodné, co s těmi kabelkami dokáží. :O
Me taky malem slehlo! A proto mi nic jineho nezbyvalo nez zaplatit za opravu…jsem rada, ze je neco takoveho mozne!
The bag looks like new. They did a great job.