As somebody that dealt years and years with sever acne… blackheads are very familiar to me. However, you do not need to have acne issues as blackheads are a common thing for so many of us. They are simply clogged follicles mainly with excess oil and dead skin.
It sounds not particularly appealing however that is the cycle of our skin and we constantly have to think of cleansing and also removing the dead skin cells on a regular basis. A good news is they are harmless and sometimes they just look worse than they are.
Even as a teenager I was having regular facials so I am pretty used to having manual extraction but there are so many things you can do from comfort of you home. And you can minimise the amount of blackheads. I am sure if you are on Tiktok you came across some of those viral videos and couldn’t stop watching some sort of tool used for blackhead removal. I am still not sure if I find these videos satisfying or just gross.
Ok so what can we do to prevent them and deal with them less and less. I loved this tool which I also gave my sister as a present but as with anything you need to be consistent and keep up with your tailored skincare routine. You can browse my BLACKHEADS HEROS EDIT.
From experience if you decide for extraction at home it is always good to open your pores. If you prefer actual product that does that you can go down that route or opt for traditional steaming. These machines are very convenient or simply use hot water in a bowl.
However, you can achieve a lot with skincare. The key is to keep avoiding the build up on your skin so using specific cleansers and exfoliating will do lot of work for you.
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