Wearing: H&M Jumper, Asos Jeans, New Balance Shoes, Zara Coat, Sophie Hulme Bag
In Bruges..Have you seen that movie? I have not but since I came back from this picturesque town I am keen to watch it as soon as I can. Last weekend I spent lovely few days in this gorgeous spot in Belgium. Everything blew me away…the architecture, the atmosphere and even the food (although my button on those jeans went through serious testing).
I was doing lot of sightseeing, boat trip and tried different tea rooms in the city so that required warm and comfortable outfit. New balance were perfect choice for a short break during rainy weekend. If you are looking for a nice long weekend break this spot is a serious contender. You will love everything from the waffles to local beers and chocolate. It really won my heart over.
In Bruges…videli jste ten film? Ja jeste ne, ale od te doby, co jsem se vratila z Bruges se na nej chci podivat. Minuly vikend jsem stravila v Belgii v tomto rozkosnem mestecku a uchvatila me jeho atmosfera, architektura a dokonce i jidlo. Jenom po tech vaflich a cokolade je potreba detoxu.
Chtela jsem vam ukazat svuj turisticky outfit. Pocasi nebylo zadny zazrak a dost prselo, takze jsem se vybavila teplym obleceni a mistni chodniky jsou plne kostek jako v Praze. A proto jsem nejvice nosila bud biker boots nebo tenisky. Vydala jsem se na projizdku lodi po mistnim kanalu, kde docela foukalo, ale stalo to za to! Pokud hledate misto na prodlouzeny vikend tak Bruges je skvely vyber. Me tohle mestecko chytlo za srdce a urcite vam ukazu vic. Fotila jsem jako o zivot.
Love Glamazon xoxo

Lovely outfit!
|| D I A N A ||
thank you x
Love the outfit!! Those pictures are gorgeous!!
Thank you x
I’m happy to hear you enjoyed my country. Brussels and Leuven are nice cities too if you ever plan on seeing some more places in Belgium :)
I had such a good time…really fantastic place x
What a beautiful place! Xo
Definitely is x
Ten film je naprosto skvělej, určitě mrkni. :)) A outfit top, nikdy nezklameš! <3
Uz se tesim..stahla jsem si to na ipad a pustim si to v patek jak poletim do CR
Skvely outfit, u tebe se mi jako u jedne z mala libi, jak umis zkombinovat tenisky.
Brugy jsou krasne, byla jsem tam pred tremi lety. Dnes jsem se vratila z Barcelony a tady mrznu.
dekuju…fakt je to tam moc krasne
I’ve been to Bruges and loved it- it’s incredibly picturesque! And you must watch the movie- it’s truly great.