Hello My Dears,
Ok, I know it starts to be boring when I keep talking about weather all the time but what can I do when the forecast says it will be the coldest weekend in March. Well, Easter is behind the door and we are expecting snow and low temperatures.
All I can do is to get inspired by layering. I would rather talk about spring dresses and summer shoes but mother nature says NOT YET.
Well, we can fight this weather in a stylish way. Have a wonderful weekend.
Vim, ze uz je to asi nudna a ohrana pisnicka, ale opet musim psat o pocasi. Nemuzu za to, ze v Britanii proste hlasi nejstudenejsi vikend v breznu za nekolik poslednich desitek let. Velikonoce jsou za dvermi a ma snezit a byt okolo nuly.
Jedine co muzu poradit je asi vrstveni. Takze dneska lekce vrstveni, protoze to jedine nas muze potesit a zahrat. Matka priroda proste stavkuje a tak ji ukazme, ze bojovat jde i stylove.
Krasny vikend vsem.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Tak česko je na tom úplně stejně, nejchladnější jarní víkend za poslední roky…
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Kisses, have a nice day!