Leather Care

Hey Guys,
I am definitely not an expert when it comes to leather care however few accidents on your precious bags always makes you to try things and do your research. I was told in Chanel not to put anything on this leather however only after few wear I have noticed the leather is sensitive and I decided to treat it with my lake land products.
As you can see I am using leather cleaner that hydrates at the same time and also leather conditioner. The third thing is a miracle spray for oily spots on your leather. I had a bit of accident on my Mulberry bag few weeks ago. I almost cried when I saw the dark oily spot and nothing worked on it so I did some research and ordered this degreaser and it is a true miracle that saved my bag.
Urcite nejsem odbornice na peci o kozene kabelky, ale po par nehodach jsem si sama zacala procitat clanky a rady na internetu a zkusila par produktu. Pri nakupu v Chanelu mi tvrdili, ze na lamb kuzi nemam pouzivat vubec nic, ale po par nosenich me stresoval fakt, ze na ni jde vse videt a chtela jsem ji alespon trosku chranit. Z vlastni zkusenosti muzu doporucit lake land produkty.
Pouzivam cistic na kuzi, ktery zaroven hydratuje a potom kondicioner na kuzi. Cele baleni stalo necelych tricet liber, ale s vysledky a ochranou jsem opravdu spokojena.
Pred par tydny jsem take mela velkou nehodu na sve Mulberry kabelce v podobe velkeho fleku od oleje a prisaham, ze jsem skoro brecela, myslela jsem, ze flek tam zustane. Nic nezabiralo. Az jsem objevila po mensim pruzkumu Leather degreaser (odmastovac na kuzi) a po par opakovanich skvrnu z kabelku uplne odstranil.  Pokud vas nektery z produktu zaujal, daji se objednat na Amazonu.
A co pouzivate vy? Nejake tipy a rady pro ostatni?
Love Glamazon xoxo

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