Outfit: Life in this heat

Wearing: Shorts: Storets, Shirt: Zara (similar style) , Shoes: Castaner, Bag: Chloe, Sunglasses: Chloe

Summer full of sunshine in London and I am out of ideas how to keep myself and Liam cool in this heat. Do not get me wrong I like hot but not when I do not have access to the pool and where I know my 23 months old wild boy is relatively safe and comfortable. LOL

I was even thinking to go up to Soho Farm house for a day until I realised that kids are not allowed in the pool unless they are members so that idea is a failure. So I am getting through the heat day by day and sometimes even braving to go central which I usually regret but at least it breaks the day for us. I simply cannot wait when the temperature drops down by at least 8 degrees. If it was just me I would be in my element trust me but a moaning toddler is another level. haha

I wanted to share these photographs that I took still when I was in Czech earlier this summer as I simply adore this look. I have been wearing most of these items over and over again and they are so great for summer like this.

So hopefully you are enjoying this weather and cheers to a good summer life.

Leto je v Londyne v plnem proudu a teploty naprosto rekordni, ale uprimne uz me nenapada jak nas zchladit a zabavit v tomto horku. Nepomaha ani to, ze mame neco s autem a jezdit s kocarkem metrem neni taky zrovna zabava. At to nechapete spatne, ja miluju horko, ale to spis, kdyz se muzu vyvalit u vody a take tam, kde vim, ze si to uzije i Liam a bude se bavit a bude v bezpeci. 

Dnes me napadlo si zajet treba na cely den do Soho Farm House, ale pak jsem si vzpomela, ze pokud neni clenem i vase dite, tak do bazenu nesmi, takze muj plan pada. LOL A tak tady prezivame v tom horku den za dnem a uprimne se tesim az teploty spadnou alespon o 8 stupnu. A to ma byt za par dni. Uz jsem vycerpala vsechny napady co delat. Dneska v nedeli jsme dali na zahradu nafukovaci bazenek, ale to ho stejne bavi jenom chvili. Haha 

Kazdopadne jsem vam chtela ukazat tento outfit, ktery jsem nafotila jeste v CR, kde jsem byla prvni polovinu leta. Vlastne tyhle kousky nosim porad dokola a hlavne je nosim rada.

No doufam, ze zvladate tyhle teploty a uzivate si leto. Ja si jdu dat asi studenou sprchu. LOL 

Love Glamazon xoxo 




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