London Street Style

Well, I have an idea. Everytime I will struggle what to share with you I can just go to my “archives” of London Fashion Week Pictures and job done. And plus I know how much you love them. They inspire me in the same way as they inspire you.

And of course there would not be London Fashion Week without Deigh. Looking sharp as always.

Have a fantastic day. Good news, weekend is getting closer. LOL

Mam dobry napad, pokazde, kdyz nebudu mit napady, jaky clanek vydat, tak si zajdu do sveho osobni archivu. Mam totiz porad v zasobe tolik street stylovych fotek z Fashion Weeku, ze techto postu bude urcite nekolik. A navic mi davaji hodne inspirace a vim, ze vetsine z vas se libi. Tak co vy na to?

A bez Deigha by to nebyl pravy fashion week. Vypada super jako vzdy. Ten kabat je uzasny.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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