Lookbook: Christmas Party Dresses

1 (source:pinterest)

Tonight is one of my favourite events of the year – Christmas Party that event of the year when you can wear that perfect Christmas party dress. If you are still searching for yours I put together a little look book with lot of options.

To be honest I still have not decided what I want to wear so I took two dresses one is long and one is short and if you follow me on snapchat (evaglamazon) I will be probably asking for your help this evening which one to go for. And I believe it will be a last minute decision.

So who is going to help me tonight?

Dneska vecer se porada jedna z mych nejoblibenejsich akci roku a to nas pracovni Vanocni vecirek. Ten mame vzdy ve velkem stylu a jedeme na vikend do krasneho primorskeho hotelu v Eastbourne. A jestli stale hledate vecerni saty na ten vas vecirek, tak jsem pro vas pripravila lookbook plny satu a inspirace. Tak treba prave najdete ty prave.

Ja jsem se uprimne jeste nerozhodla, ktere saty si oblecu a vzala jsem si jedny kratke a jedny dlouhe a asi budu vecer potrebovat vasi pomoc. Pokud me sledujete na snapchatu (evaglamazon) tak bych vam rada ukazala vecer oboje a dejte mi vedet, ktere se vam libi vice.

Myslim, ze tentokrat budu vase rady potrebovat. Lol

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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