Mix the colours

Good morning my dears,
Who would not love great weather forecast for the weekend. We are expecting amazing sunny day today and last evening when I went for this colourful outfit was so beautiful as well. I guess Londoners love warm weather and the beer gardens are full of people enjoying the atmosphere. I have wanted to try purple and pick combo for a while so here we go. I feel this is more of a combination of sporty and chic. The Gap top has got very sporty feel and those Aldo heels add a bit of glamour to this outfit.
Kdo by nemel rad prijemnou predpoved pocasi na vikend? Dneska ma byt prekrasny, velmi teply a slunecny den a stejne tomu bylo i vcera a proto jsem si rekla, ze si dam na vecer, kdyz jsem sla na veceri trosku barevny outfit. Mam rada tu atmosferu na Londynskych ulicich, pivnich zahradkach a terasach restauraci, clovek doslova citi jak si lidi uzivaji trochu tepla. 
Tuhle kombinaci ruzove a fialove jsem chtela zkusit uz delsi dobu a opravdu neuskodi barvy trosku mixovat. Celkove mi tento styling prijde takovy sportovni chic, protoze tyhle Aldo boty na platforme rozhodne sportovne nepusobi, stejne jako sacko :)
Doufam, ze vase predpoved je taky skvela, at si muzete rozzarit den taky nejakou vyraznou barevnou kombinaci :)
Mejte se krasne.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Wearing: Zara Jeans, Gap Top, Aldo shoes, H&M blazer, Balenciaga bag, Rayban sunglasses

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