New In…COS Dress

As promised I wanted to show you my new COS dress. I had to get a size bigger but I kind of like the oversized feel (otherwise I would not go for it right?). COS definitely has got that simple feel and uses very different materials. When I am in a shop I have got a feeling it is a bit Acne or Celine style but much cheaper obviously. Can’t wait to wear this dress as it is so timeless so it will be easy to wear. Also I loved this necklace however it was not on sale when I was there. I was lucky though and got it online. It looks really fantastic on, trust me.

Jak jsem slibila, chtela jsem vam ukazat nove saty z COS. Bohuzel uz nebyla moje velikost, tak jsem si vzala vetsi, ale libi se mi, ze pusobi tak volne (jinak bych si je asi nekoupila, to da rozum). COS kazdopadne dela krasne veci, jednoduche, ale pouzitim zajimavych materialu a strihu pusobi uplne jinak. Pokazde kdyz vkrocim do jejich obchodu, tak me napadne ACNE a Celine. Jenom ta cena je trosku rozdilna. Uz se tesim az si je dam na sebe, takove nadcasove satky se budou nosit urcite velmi dobre.
Jeste se mi hrozne libil tento nahrdelnik, vypadal skvele, ale nebyl ve sleve, tak jsem ho nakonec nekoupila. Ted jsem si ho koupila online pouze za 12 liber, byla by totiz hloupost ho neporidit za tuto cenu. Ve skutecnosti byl fantasticky.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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