Outfit: Double breasted Waistcoat/Workwear

Wearing: Waistcoat: Missguided, Trousers: Zara, Top: Asos, Sunglasses: Celine, Shoes: Preen, Brooch: Chanel

Waistcoats are a perfect piece that will always update your workwear wardrobe. They create a smart effect and you can layer them over trousers, dress or skirt. You can put a belt over them or change a bit with your favourite brooch. Gosh, already so many options with just one waistcoat!

I love this new one I got as the gold buttons really add something extra to it. However, if you have an old one at home you can just get a new buttons to create a brand new model! Well, either or you can definitely play with this piece and it will never be the same!

Vesty jsou uzasny kousek a hlavne se velmi hodi jako obohaceni vaseho pracovniho satniku. V minute dokazi ozivit kalhoty, saty ci sukni. A aby porad nevypadaly stejne tak je muzete prepasat paskem, ozdobit brozi nebo satkem. Zkratka s nima neni nuda. No vidite, uz tolik moznosti a to jen diky jednomu kousku.

Ja jsem si nedavno poridila tuhle novou prodlouzenou vestu a nejvic se mi libi zlate knofliky. Pokud ale mate treba doma uz nejakou tak staci jenom knofliky vymenit, jestli se vam zlate detaily libi.  At se rozhodnete poridit novou nebo jenom tu svoji starou obnovit tak urcite nebudete litovat. Jeden takovy kousek a tolik moznosti. 

Love Glamazon xoxo


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