Oversized bags and functional trend in 2024
As somebody that works in fashion and adores fashion I cannot pick in between large or small bags. I have inclined in the last few years to smaller but absolutely find large bags very practical and cool.
And the bags are getting big and even bigger than you thought. My dream bag would be the XXL Chanel Flap bag. I find it extremely timeless and cool especially for travel. I still love my LV Never full despite so many people thinking it is an ick bag. Gosh as a mum I rely on it so many times as it really is never full. I love my Demellier New York totes I have black and green.
However, I fell in love with the large bags from YSL and the Row. Yes we know the Margaux is being on the reseller market place for extortionate prices. And of course all the cool girls have it already as they were ahead of most of us. The large Birkins are becoming popular again and of course high-street players are trying come out with dupes in their collections whether it is the the YSL totes or the sought after Margaux.
I just love the practicality of these bags as if you are a corporate girlie, pilates girlie or just mum like me you can fit your life in and still look trendy. So it has lot of benefits. The only disadvantage is that your shoulder may hurt LOL.
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