Wearing: Mango Jeans, Halston Heritage Dress, Vintage Belt, Topshop Scarf, Celine Sunglasses, Chanel Bag, Deichmann Shoes
So here we are again as I say the grand finale of all Fashion weeks – Paris. I arrived on a early train from London and although I was very tired I loved the feel of this city as soon as I stepped out of the train station.
I put on a reasonably comfortable layered outfit and thanks to a gorgeous weather it was a great option. I still like the suede trend so layered this maxi Halston Heritage dress over white flares and added small touches with the accessories to finish the look. Pop of the colour is always a good idea so this scarf made a difference. Great outfit for a day one.
My plan was to go to Manish Arora Show which I missed unfortunately (traffic can be a nightmare). Then I had an appointment with Paule Ka to pick up some of their stunning pieces I can wear during fashion week. I also managed to shoot my outfit and spend a lovely time with my friend Marsha. We headed to Manish Arora and Purple Magazine party after dinner. I am not going to lie I was so tired after the whole day and could not wait to welcome my girls Hannah and Atosa in the hotel.
Well, that was the end of day 1 and after such a long day my hotel bed looked like it is a door to heaven. Lol
A je to tady zase jak ja rikam zaverecne defile Fashion Weeku – Pariz. Dorazila jsem vlakem nekdy pred obedem a hned co jsem vystoupila z nadrazi me dostala ta atmosfera, co na tomto meste tak miluju.
Prvni den jsem se oblekla relativne pohodlne (asi jsem uz poucena z predchozich sezon) a navrstvila tyhle krasne semisove saty od Halston Heritage. Hodila jsem je pres bile zvonace a zbytek bylo o doplncich. Mam rada, kdyz se treba outfitu objevi trochu barvy a tak jsem vsechno ozivila oranzovou timto krasnym satkem.
Muj plan byl jasny…Manish Arora show (diky doprave jsem to nestihla bohuzel). Jit na fitting do Paule Ka showroomu, kde jsem si vybrala kousky, ktere si tuto sezonu oblecu. Musela jsem se take sejit s Marshou, ktera je taky blogerka a nafotit outfit. A vecer me cekala party Manish Arora a Purple Magazine Party. Priznam se, ze vecer me pekne dostala unavana a tak jsem se radsi odebrala do hotelu. Stejne kazdou chvili mely dorazit holky – Hannah a Atosa a chtela jsem na ne pockat v hotelu.
Kdyz ma clovek za sebou takovy narocny den tak se pak podiva na tu krasnou hotelovou postel a prijde mi, ze je to nejkrasnejsi misto na svete. LOL
Love Glamazon xoxo

Very beautiful darling, I see Jardin de Tuileries behind.
You are stoner <3
Thank you Peti x
pěkný outfit, přesně na FW :) sluší ti to.
Dekuju x
This outfit is an absolutely DREAM – adore that dress!!
Thanks so much x
Great outfit, really suits you and pfw. x
Thank you x
wonderful outfit!! Love the dress over the pants.
Thanks so much x
Love the texture of the suede dress with that belt; and the pop of red – great combination!
Thanks so much Lili x
Skvely outfit! Tohle je perfektni a skvele ti to sedne. Jsi proste nevycerpatelny zdroj inspirace. :)
Moc dekuju Verci x
you look great! those sunglasses are to die for!
xx Lita
Thank you so much Lita x