Wearing: Chanel Bag, Mango Sandals, F&F Culottes, Atmosphere Top
These printed culottes were one of my favourite piece during holidays. They are bright, light and airy so they were perfect for Sicilian 30 + degrees. And I did no complain at this amazing weather. This is what I call proper summer. Although summer is over I know there are new exciting things coming up.
Just to name few…fashion week, great new trends and chunky knits.
Tyhle kalhoty s potiskem byly mym oblibenym kouskem na letosni dovolene. Jsou vyrazne, zabavne, lehke a vzdusne a tak byly idealnim kusem na Sicilii, kde se teploty pohybovaly mezi 30 az 40 stupni. Vubec sem si nestezovala. Vim, ze leto je uz pomalu za nama, ale bude mi chybet.
I kdyz vzhuru novym podzimni trendum, fashion weeku a teplych pletenin. Docela se tesim.
Love Glamazon xoxo

Love the culottes!!!
Thanks Stephanie x
These culottes are absolutely marvelous. I love the bold & bright pattern. :]
// ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲
Thank you Carmen x
Those pants look so cool!! I could never pull it off
Candice | Beauty Candy Loves
Love them too. I am sure you could pull them off x
Beautiful photos ! Love your skirt :)
Thank you x
Kalhoty jsou perfektni! Podobne jsem nasla, ale bohuzel jen ve velkych velikostech. Tal treba se zadari pristi tok, nebo si je usiju. :)
Verci, jdi do toho…dobre se nosi x