Tag Archives: bottega veneta

Brand of the moment – Bottega Veneta

Picture source – Pinterest

Every real fashionista on the planet is probably aware that if there is one hot brand and hard to get pieces it is a current collection of Bottega Veneta. It has always been a beautiful brand and their iconic clutches always been on the spotlight. However with the recent influence of ex Celine Daniel Lee you can tell it is currently the IT brand.

Influencers, celebrities are carrying the oversized pouches and eagerly trying to get them in all colours. The plain and quilted mules are also constantly sold out and waiting lists are longer than my hair. The ready to wear is also in demand and basically Bottega Veneta is the brand that everybody wants. It is what Dior or Gucci was few seasons ago.

I am just waiting how quickly will the high-street brands start to bring Bottega Veneta inspired pieces to their stores. I guess it will not be long. So if you fancy a piece yourself you can shop some great pieces below.

Kazdy spravny modni milovnik vi, ze Bottega Veneta je momentalne na vrcholu modnich domu. Ano, vzdy to byla takova klasika a ja si i pred lety prala jejich ikonicke psanicko, ale nyni kdyz jejich kreativni reditel prinesl nadech modniho domu Celine, se dostala uplne na vrchol.

Na urcite modely jejich psanicek, kabelek a botu je cekaci listina a influenceri prahnou prave po tech, ktere jsou tezce k dostani. A Bottega je vlastne tim, co byla pred par lety znacka Gucci ci Dior. A tak to v mode chodi.

Jenom cekam kazdym dnem, kdy retezce zacnou predstavovat kousky, ktere budou inspirovany prave soucasnou kolekci. A myslim, ze to bude velmi brzo a i tyhle kousky budou ihned vyprodane. Bottega se slavi obrovskemu uspechu a zaziva velky boom a to je jenom dukazem, ze spravny navrhar muze vzdy udelat divy. 
