Tag Archives: january blues

5 Ways how to get over January Blues


Wearing: Shoes: Isabel Marant, Skirt: Revolve, T-Shirt: Balmain 

January can be one of the most depressing month. I remember those times when I had to return to the office after Christmas and everybody around was miserable. You just keep bumping into grumpy people in the streets and everybody on the morning train has a sour face on. People used to talk about how much they have to save in January as they splurged on Christmas fun. Nobody was really going out, drinking or doing anything interesting. Well, let’s face it the holiday eating habits are really out of order so it is probably natural that people want to have fresh start and detox a bit. And they also have to watch their spending.

And all of this in a combination with cold weather can result in a very dull month. It is a very long month, holiday fun is over and spring is still far away. I really get all of this however it does  not have to be like that even if your budget is small. So I thought we all need a bit of motivation and few tips how to survive January blues.

Dress Well

There has been a lot of research done how clothes and what you wear is connected to your confidence and your emotions. Just imagine yourself even now wearing a well fitted suit or pyjamas and doing a pitch to somebody. Two different outfits can change everything but mainly your confidence and how you feel. It is ok to wear comfortable clothes but if you slip too often and just say you stay in pyjamas because you feel rubbish it is not leading anywhere. So each time you want to grab that oversized jumper and leggings maybe think twice and pick that glamorous blouse instead.

Look after your body 

If you look after your body it will thank you sooner or later. The first thing most of us tend to do when we do not feel great is to grab a bar of chocolate or another type of comfort food. However, if you eat nutritious food and keep up with the balanced diet you can even manage your moods. And if you add bit of exercise that is even better. And looking after yourself also means to get good night sleep and meditate. Everything works well in moderation so even if you are motivated to lose few pounds do not overdo it.

Do things you love

I know it is January but there has to be at least one thing you can do even on a small budget. You can go for a long walk with a friend and make a cup of coffee at home, you can watch great TV series, finally get that book you wanted to read, go swimming, meet other people or treat yourself to a manicure. I have always loved the idea of having my girlfriends over and do a beauty night in with some pop corn, Neflix and face masks. It is a great way how to keep some social life going even if you overspend during December.

Make plans

January is a great month to plan the whole year, set goals, book holidays and write down your dreams that with a bit of work and luck and planning can come true. Imagine if you actually do book your holidays during this super long winter month. That must cheer up even the most miserable person. Or at least I hope so.

Organise your home/Change decor

If you like to feel productive you can always work on your interior at home. How about to update decor in the living room or bedroom. Your surroundings should make you feel good when you spend lot of time there especially during winter months. There are still lot of sales around so if you grab a different paint or a nice throw with cushions that are on sale you can easily bring a bit of glamour to your house too.

So let’s try this and make sure we feel great even in January. No point to cry, moan and feel bad just because it is winter month and not much is going on. It is about what we do and how we make it.

Leden byva casto jeden z nejvic depresivnich mesicu. Moc dobre si pamatuju, kdyz jsem jeste pracovala v kancelari jak byli lidi mrzuti, unaveni a porad si jenom stezovali. Kazdy musel setrit, protoze utratil vse na Vanoce a Novorocnich oslavach. A kazdy se rozhodl hubnout, zahajit detox a cvicit. A tak nikdo nechtel nic podnikat, nic delat a vubec nalada byla kazdy rok pod psa. Ranni cesta metrem byla prehlidka kyselych obliceju a prichod do prace nebyval o moc lepsi. 

A tohle vse spolu s pocasim ma za to, ze Leden byva povazovany za takovy ponury a nudny mesic. Ale ono to tak nemusi byt a to i presto, ze chcete opravdu setrit. A tak jsem se rozhodla sepsat par tipu jak s touto mrzutou naladou zatocit. 

Hezky se oblecte

Ne nadarmo se rika, ze obleceni dela cloveka. Cetla jsem uz nekolik clanku, ktere tvrdi, ze pruzkumy dokazuji, ze spravne zvolene obleceni muze zvysit vykonost cloveka a take jeho sebevedomi. A neco na tom bude, protoze si treba predstavte, ze delate pohovor po telefonu a jeden v obleku a druhy v pyzamu. Ja si teda myslim, ze ten v obleku by asi dopadl lepe. Neni samozrejme nic spatneho na tom si dat pohodlne obleceni a leden provalet na gauci u televize, ale pokud chcete opravdu zatocit s depresemi, mozna zacnete tim, ze se hezky oblecete a treba nalicite.

Starejte se o sve telo a mysl

Vetsina z nas sahne po necem sladkem prave v tom momentu, kdy nam neni hej. To asi neni to nejlepsi reseni ( i kdyz to sama nechci slyset), protoze je to prave vyvazena strava, ktera nas dokaze ovlivnit a ma za to, ze se citime lepe. A kdyz si k tomu jeste alespon trosku zacvicite, budete meditovat, vase telo vam urcite podekuje. Mezi starani se o sebe take patri kvalitni spanek a proto to nemusite prehanet a nutit se do neceho extremniho. Jak se rika vseho s mirou.

Delejte veci, co mate radi

Existuje tolik veci, ktere muze clovek podniknout a nebude ho to stat majlant. Co treba prochazka s kamaradkou a misto kavy nekde v kavarne si ji muzete udelat doma? Muzete si udelat zkraslovaci den v pohodli domova, sledovat oblibene filmy ci serialy, konecne si precist nejakou skvelou knizku  a nebo usporadat takovy vecer s kamaradkama, kdy si udelate pletove masky, nalakujete si nehty a pustite si prijemnou hudbu. A pokud nechcete opravdu v lednu pit, muzete vino nahradit vyzivnou smoothie a udelat si treba takovy wellness zkraslovaci vecer.


Zacatek noveho roku je nejlepsi doba na to si planovat, stanovit si cile a nebo treba zrovna objednat dovolenou. Je to cerstvy start pro vsechny z nas a takova pomyslna doba na to si planovat sve sny na dalsi rok. A kdyz treba ulovite ve sleve dobrou dovolenou, tak to snad potesi i toho nejvetsiho mrzouta. Ma se totiz pak na co tesit. A depresivni mesic leden pak s vama nemuze zamavat.

Zorganizujte si domov a venujte se interieru

Mit pekny a pohodlny domov je take klicem ke spokojenosti. Ja osobne miluju odpoledne po velkem uklidu, protoze se ve svem dome citim zkratka lepe. Co tak vyuzit zimnich slev a treba si vase bydleni trosku zutulnit. A nemusite se poustet do velkych projektu. Staci treba vybrat novou barvu, koupit pekny prehoz a polstare nebo preorganizovat nabytek. Ja take miluju udelat ocistu ve skrini a ve vecech vubec.

Takze hlavu vzhuru a preju vam co nejprijemnejsi mesic. Je to asi vse o tom jak si to zaridime a nastavime. 
