Tag Archives: poster

Improving my house with affordable art

Improving your home is a continuous and endless process. Most things require time and decent budget. I love to look up inspiration and I could spend hours each day looking through images of perfect houses and their interiors.

We bought our place in December last year and the process has been slow but step by step we are improving things and that is what matters. One thing that you can do right away and does not have to cost a fortune is to decorate your walls. I have partnered up with Poster Store that have beautiful selection of amazing posters of all kinds. You will love their beautiful posters and it will really make a difference to any of your rooms at home.

I have been playing with the idea that I will get rid of the mirror in our bedroom as it is not good for your feng shui and put in some pictures. However even with paintings and posters you have to be careful what you put up. You can look up yourself what are dos and don”ts. I went with my intuition and I knew I needed blue tones to compliment the rest of the room. I also love natural stones so I knew choosing a photo of blue agate must be a right choice. Blue Agate has got healing power and is really good source of energy. In general you should avoid pictures of water but I felt that the photo of the blue leaves and the drops on them have something magical and calming. Like the amazing feeling after a storm. Both pictures make me feel good and that is the key.

There were two other areas in the house that needed a bit of love and the first one was a second staircase that leads to a guest bedroom and guest bathroom. As the first staircase has a gorgeous black and white gallery wall with family pictures I knew I wanted to continue with the black and white theme. I picked things that make me happy like favourite places in the world as well as the beautiful images in black and white. I feel the house now has a lovely flow.

And the last but not least was our bathroom where I needed something elegant and simple and I went for two black and white images in gold frames.

I am so happy with how everything looks now and I have great news as I currently have 30 % discount code glamazon30 for the Poster Store (The discount is valid until the 15th of June and it applies to the posters only (excl. Selection Poster).

Vylepsovani vaseho domova je vlastne takovy nekonecny proces. Vetsina techto veci si zada cas, trpelivost a take slusny rozpocet. Ja osobne rada vyhledavam inspiraci a divam se na krasne domy a interiery a dokazala bych tak travit hodiny. 

S manzelem jsem koupila nas dum loni v Prosinci a priznavam se, ze celkovy proces a vylepsovani jde pomalu. Ale jde to a to je hlavni. Jedna z veci, kterou ale clovek muze udelat hned a nebude vas to ani nic moc stat je povesit si na steny hezke obrazy, plakaty ci fotografie. Ja jsem se spojila s firmou Poster Store, kteri maji opravdu krasnou nabidku fotografii a plakatu a da se tam urcite vybrat neco pro kazdeho. 

Uz dlouho jsem premyslela, ze si do loznice nedam zrcadlo, ktere tam bylo v predchozim byte. Neni to dobre pro feng shui a kdyz uz se rozhodnete pro obrazy ci fotografie i tady je treba byt opatrny. Mozna se podivejte co se do loznice a jinych mistnosti doporucuje. Ja jsem se ridila hodne intuici, ale jako prvni me zaujal modry achat, ktery ma jako nerost pozitivni dopad na zdravi. Ja miluju nerosty a krystaly a prestoze je to jenom fotografie, jsem si jista, ze ma urcite lepsi energie nez jine symboly. Jelikoz jsem chtela dalsi obrazek v podobnych tonech, vybrala jsem tyhle barevne listky s kapkami deste. Voda jako takova se nedoporucuje, ale tato fotografie na me pusobi prijemne.

Dalsi dve mista v dome, kterym neco chybelo, byly toaleta a take schodiste do druheho patra. Na schodisti v prvni patrem jsem nedavno vytvorila galerii cernobilych fotografii rodiny a tak jsem chtela i na dalsich schodech neco v cerne a bile. A rozhodla jsem pro tyto fotografie. Jsou to mista ktere mam rada a veci, ktere mi delaji radost.

No a na mensi toaletu jsem is prala neco jednoducheho a elegantniho a pro zmenu jsem v tomto pripade zvolila zlate ramy.

S vysledkem jsem moc spokojena. A pro vas mam super slevu 30 % na produkty z Poster store se slevovym kodem Glamazon30 (vztahuje se na plakatky krome specialniho vyberu) a plati do 15. cervna. 


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