Tag Archives: vision board

How to create vision board 2024 on Pinterest/Guide how to use it

Source: Pinterest however Image of Ivana Mentlova

How I create my vision board? As somebody who discovered law of attraction circa year 2008 I am a huge believer in energies, visual support to achieve your goals and also attracting things, people, circumstances and much more to your life.

People want different things in life. Some people looking for finding love, improving health or smile which you can simply improving with composite bonding (I did in the past) or you want save up money for holiday or perhaps owning your dream property.

However, nothing is black and white so also I have to say I have read tons of books since about this topic and also books about how subconscious mind affects us, our childhood, our old patterns and beliefs that are rooted so deeply inside that you can only work on them by specific therapies and techniques. So simply these things unless you work on them can subconsciously stop you from attracting what you want and it does not matter how many vision boards you surround yourself with and how many times you write in your diary certain affirmation.

Source: Pinterest

Over the years I have changed slightly how I do my vision board and last year was the first year when I did it this way. I create something more like a mood board and collect images on my Pinterest that resonate with me and have some meaning for me. So this mood board is more generic and more about your energy and frequency rather than specific goals. However when I look at it I feel really good. Each image moves me, makes me happy and makes me feel really content. I resonate with what I am looking it.

As an example a woman on reformer pilates can have different meaning for me – workout more, eat better, self-care, more time for myself. However, this image supports my more detailed goal – e.g. tone up muscles and lose weight. Many people say vision boards are there to be seen daily so you attract what you see but after the years I feel it is slightly against one of the law of attraction rules – Let it go. So to explain simply if you want to attract something to your life you should do following…when your energy is high send a wish, feel the energy of what you are wishing for, imagine you have it already, act like you have it but then let it go. Do not dwell on it. And from my experience that is why sometimes you think of something one minute and when you really let it go it can manifest an hour later.

I am not saying this is right way to do it however I feel in our busy lives it is an easy way to do it. We have our phones with us all the time and use it daily so that means these set of images that you love and represent something you want are there. So create your mood board with different layouts and then write down specific goals that are somehow linked with your mood board and once you write it down go through the “order” process. Basically what I mentioned above – wish, feel, act like you have it and let it go. Then put this piece of paper away and look at it end of the year or later you can even write down specific date. Perhaps you can look at it mid year in order to see how you are getting on with your goals. Person has to feel with their own intuition what works the best for them.

And your beautiful mood board can be your screensaver. I honestly loved my 2023 so much I did not change my screensaver as it really resonated me and I feel like that about my 2024 one as well.

Source: Pinterest

Here are the steps you can do to create yours:

  1. Sit down and think of what you want in your life to happen in 2024 and it can be even things like giving up smoking, invest more in your skin and well-being, run a marathon or simply relax more.
  2. Create a board on Pinterest – I keep mine one private and start to gather images. Make sure the image really moves you somehow and you feel this is really really good.
  3. Chose the images that are the key ones for your from your shortlist. Last year I had almost 100 images on my Pinterest board but when I was selecting the 12 for my board it went very quickly. Simply some talked to me more than others.
  4. For the mood board you can use app Canva or Moldiv. I find these two very easy.
  5. Write down specific goals on a piece of paper – if it makes it easier you can first do section personal, career, money, love and then this could help you to break it down.
  6. Before you put it away try to really feel each point and send a wish but then let it go. Exactly as I mentioned above (if that is what you struggle with – for me this is the hardest part perhaps read some books that help you to understand this and how to do it)
  7. Now you are all set for 2024

I decided to share some of images from my ‘mood’ board however this really can mean different things to others. In general I want more time for myself, more self-care, meditate more, have happy and healthy family, travel and also live in the moment. I am also looking for abundance in life, financial matters, love and health.

Happy New Year and may your 2024 be fantastic.
