Here we are so many weeks into lockdown and so many still ahead. I am sure the whole Great Britain was eager to see what is ahead of us and so many want to feel free again, have kids at school, go out and hug their friends and family. I was waiting for the announcement and made notes in my diary when are the shops and restaurants open, when can I go and see my friends. It still feels so far away. However, I am sure that by now we have accepted this and there is not much we can do. Well first we can perhaps break the rules but by doing that we are pushing the day of freedom much further or we can just follow and enjoy each day. I have been living in tracksuits by the way and I am obsessed with women’s tracksuits like this. I will not lie but I got used to comfortable fashion so fast. It will be hard for me to go back. I feel the whole fashion scene moved this direction. The sales of loungewear increased and sales of heels decreased big time.
I was saying the whole thing would be so much easier if we could see people we love. It is a huge difference if you can have people over for drinks or dinner. I do not care so much about the shops or restaurants but I feel bad for them of course. The social contact is the hardest part on all this. And I cannot imagine how it is for people living alone.
I am so over this all but who isn’t? Despite the situation I feel that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In the meantime I am surviving like most of us through little treats like this new YSL mug which is totally not needed but man such a nice luxury for my coffee. I drink coffee and tea out of takeaway cups most of the time so let’s make it more boujee. And it is perfect match for my tracksuits outfits. Haha
So cheers and let’s make the best out of the next few weeks in lockdown. I am already excited to feel free again.
Lockdown je slovo, ktere nam asi uz vsem leze na nervy. V Britanii mame za sebou nekolik tydnu, vlastne jeste pred Vanoci a jeste nas jich nekolik ceka. Vcera asi cela zeme cekala u televize, jak bude vse probihat a kdy se muzeme dockat nejake normality. Kdyz to pujde dobre tak v kvetnu, ale to je prece jeste tak daleko. Ja si zatim poznamenala do diare, kdy muzeme jit do restaurace a do nejakeho jineho obchodu nez potraviny. Myslim, ze vetsina z nas uz to tak nejak prijala a co nam zbyva? Muzeme bud porusovat pravidla, ale tim si spis oddalime svobodu jeste vic. Nekdo mi napsal na instagramu proc se necitim svobodna? Ehm, no mozna proto, ze si nemuzu delat co chci, kdy chci a s kym chci, nebo si zaletet za rodinou do Ceska? To je snad ocividne. No a tak budu dal zit zivot v teplakovkach a uprimne se mi z nich nebude chtit ani vylezat (LOL).
Nejtezsi na tom, je ze v Britanii je uz tak strasne dlouho zakazane mixovat domacnosti. A to je na tom to nejhorsi, kdyz si muze clovek domu pozvat rodinu ci kamarady, uvarit si spolecne veceri, popovidat si, dat si vino, je to mnohem lepsi. Je mi lito restauraci a obchodu samozrejme, ale ten socialni kontakt je dulezity a to si nedovedu predstavit, jak to maji ti, co bydli sami. Musi to byt opravdu narocne.
Myslim, ze uz toho mam dost, ale kdo z nas ne? Prestoze je situace takova, tak zacinam pomalu videt svetlo na konci tunelu. A nez nam teda vsechno otevrou, delam si male radosti jako treba tento YSL kelimek na kavu, ktery sice vubec nepotrebuju, ale kdyz uz te kavy vypiju tolik, at ma alespon luxusni obal. Urcite se podivejte na tuto kolekci, maji ruzne vzory a dalsi vychytavky jako treba lahve na vodu nebo je libo YSL miska na led?! To uz necham na vas. Kazdopadne muj novy kelimek, je perfektnim spolecnikem k mym teplakum. LOL
Takze hlavu vzhuru a snad se brzo dockame svobody.

This article contains gifted items.