Wish List – Tunics

I have got a big crush on a tunic and long line tops at the moment. And there is so many great models that I had to share with you some of my favourites. It is a great way how to make your trousers or jeans more interesting and plus most of them are 70’s style so they will be perfect for next season. As this trend is not going away yet.

So which one is your favourite?

V posledni dobe me hrozne bavi ruzne modely tunik a dlouhych tricek a chtela jsem vam par skvelych kousku ukazat. Podle me je to idealni zpusob jak ozivit dziny ci kalhoty a nudne strihy muzete nechat doma. Navic vetsina z nich odpovida trendu 70. let, ktery se bude objevovat i na podzim, takze je to vlastne skvela investice.

A ktera se nejvice libi vam?

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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