Outfit: Are influencers really broke?

Pictures: Dela Fard

Wearing: Shoes: Dior, Jeans: Topshop, Top: Shein, Bag: Sophie Hulme, Sunglasses: Le Specs, Belt: Gucci

So I came across randomly this video on youtube called why influencers are broke. I am a huge fan of talking positively in life so this article will have rather positive spin. I do not want to talk about people not investing their money right as there is no right or wrong. Some girls are smart and they buy houses and flats with their money earned as bloggers and some rather invest it in their bags. I am not here to judge. I can just simply chose which type I am going to be. And I can say one thing I wish I knew better when I was younger I would get on that property ladder much faster as no Chanel bag will be your roof.

There are many valid points in this video and one of them is knowing your own value. You may remember one of my older articles where I talked about it. Knowing your value is important so do not let others to set your own value. However, I still judge this case by case basis. If I know a brand X is offering me something I need lets say new ski and I would go and spends few hundreds pounds on new  ski out of my own pocket I may still do this as a part of barter collaboration. However, the best case scenario is to get paid and get the product too. I also see it from a business perspective. My dream is to grow my business and hire people and be able to reward them well. I want to be able to say to photographer here is this amount of money and thank you for your hard work. And I am afraid he or she also has to pay their bills and no ski or t-shirt will pay for their mortgage either.

To gift a blogger product is probably the cheapest way of advertising for any brand. It is up to you to set your standards. This article could go on for ages but one thing this video is 100 % right about that if people undervalue their own work they set the market for others in a wrong direction. So please do your research and there are few existing articles you can find online about how to calculate the fee.

I feel that I am surrounded by influencers that are not broke at all. It may be because that those are few people that do really well or know their value or they can handle the money really well. Who knows. Or it may be because I like to surround myself with successful  people.

There are so many other topics from the video I could talk about however I felt the matter of value is again the most important thing in life and in business and that is the message I want to bring to you.

Uplne nahodne na me dneska vyskocilo na youtube tohle video s nazvem proc jsou influnceri na mizine? Ci jinymi slovy proc nemaji influenceri penize. Ja jsem clovek, ktery se snazi drzet pozitivniho pristupu v zivote a proto i tento clanek chci vest v podobnem duchu. Nejsem tady, abych ostatni soudila a nemeli by to delat ani ostatni. Nektere holky jsou chytre a investuji vydelane penize do nemovitosti a nektere bydli v najmu a nakupuji si drahe kabelky. Ty uspesnejsi zvladnou oboji. Ale o tomto tento clanek neni. Kazdy ma pravo si s penezi nakladat jak chce.

V tomhle videu je spousta bodu, se kteryma ja osobne souhlasim a jeden z hlavnich je znat svou cenu. Uz jsem o tom drive napsala clanek, ktery si muzete precist tady. Je dulezite znat svou hodnotu a to myslim uplne vazne. Uprimne vam muzu rict, ze vetsina spolupraci, ktera mi chodi k nabidce z Ceska je pro influencery totalne nevyhodna. Ja o ceskem blogerskem trhu vim docela malo, ale prekvapuje me, ze firmy jeste stale trvrdi, ze nemaji rozpocet. Darovat nekomu produkt je sice hezke, ale influencer si s tim hypoteku nezaplati ze? Ja se snazim na kazdou nabidku divat individualne. Kdyz napriklad vim, ze potrebuju nove lyze, ktere stoji X a nekdo mi nabidne nove lyze, tak na spolupraci ve forme barteru asi kyvnu. Idealni a zcela bezne je samozrejme oboji a to dostat nove lyze a take zaplaceno. Ale je to na vsech, aby si urcili svou hodnotu. V jednom ma video pravdu, ze influnceri, kteri se podcenuji tak znehodnocuji praci a hodnotu ostatnim. Kazdopadne muj cil je rust a platit lidem, ktere si najim napriklad fotografy za jejich dobrou praci. Oni si stejne jako ja nezaplati hypoteku trickem ci novou rtenkou ze? 

Ja si nemyslim, ze influenceri jsou na mizine, naopak lidi se kteryma se bavim ja jsou velmi uspesni a zvladaji tuto praci na plny uvazek velmi dobre. Jsou schopni si bud platit najem ci hypoteku, plati vsechny ucty a uzivat si zivota jakoby by pracovali v relativne dobre placenem zamestnani. Jenom clovek musi lepe hospodarit s penezi, protoze muzete mit mesic bez velke zakazky a z toho vam dalsi mesic prijdou do cesty treba ctyri. 

V tomto clanku bych mohla navazat i na dalsi body ve videu, ale hodnota a vase cena je to hlavni na ktere jsem se chtela zamerit, at uz si z toho kazdy odnesete neco jineho. 

Love Glamazon xoxo 


3 comments on “Outfit: Are influencers really broke?

  1. Such an interesting read. Yeah a lot of influencers can be broke, some of us do not have the following or the clicks to sustain payments and some companies under charge because blogger have been under valuing their work for so long to ask for more companies run. It has happen to me.

  2. Dziny a bila halenka je moje oblibena klasika. Slovo “influencer” je pro me strasne negativni slovo! Pokud se blog, instagram etc hemzi jenom spolupracemii, vypada to “zvlastne” a pochybuji o pravdivosti clanku. Navic, kdyz to dotycny hned potom proda. Myslim si, ze starsi holka, kt uz nekde pracovala pozna svou hodnotu lepe nez “20leta” slecna. Uprimne, blogem bych se zivit nechtela, mozna psat clanky o danem tematu do casopisu pro noviny.
    xx Vera

  3. Looking very elegant and chic in this timeless outfit! I love your take on this certain matter too and just like you I could discuss this topic in a much longer way but just like yule said its all different from one case to another but one thing is for sure, designer bag vs something like investing in a trip or real estate – other two will always win for me.


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