Beauty: Current Favourites

It has been a while since I shared some of my favourite beauty products. There are few new additions to my beauty family so wanted to show you few things I currently use and love. I like to try new things and change as you can adapt using certain products to your life. In the evenings you use foundations with better coverage whilst during the day you go for something lighter etc.

So let’s start with this Nuxe hydrating mask. We are all exposed to colder weather in the winter so I like to add something extra when looking after my skin. I think this product would make a lovely Christmas present to your friend or mum.

The next product I wanted to introduce is this hair mask from Kerastase. Kerastase is definitely one of my favourite hair cosmetics brands and their shampoo for sensitive scalp is my hero. At the moment when I am breastfeeding my hair are not as great as before so I needed a good hair mask to hydrate and keep the shine. The next product I fell in love is this hair oil by Shu Uemura. I have been using it only for few days but really needed new hair oil to hydrate my dry ends. I got it when I was going for my hair cut and it is absolutely amazing. I think these two hair products will now make a difference to my hair.

The next two products I wanted to show you are both by Dior. I decided to go back to one of my favourite mascaras and that is the iconic Dior show but this time I tried it in brown just to see if I like it and do you know what. It is great. The brown shade just seems to be more natural and I love it. I also got a new foundation Capture totale that helps with coverage of wrinkles and it is another great addition. If you start to have wrinkles you have to think twice about your foundation as some of them can make your skin look even worse.

And the last but not least is a new scent. I have been thinking about buying the new Opium for a while and I think it is a great winter scent so it is finally mine. If you like heavier winter perfumes this is definitely it. And I love the bottle too. This would definitely make a great present for Christmas.

So these are my new beauty heros and I would love to hear about your favourite products at the moment?

Uz je to delsi dobu, co jsem s vami sdilela oblibene produkty, ktere jsem si poridila a pouzivam a libi se mi. Myslim, ze se ze me stava trosku maniak. Mam nekolik makeupu a ruznych produktu, ktere stridam. Nekdy je to podle nalady ci podle potreby. Pres den napriklad pouziju mene napadne makeupy ci BB kremy, kdezto na vecer se nebojim si dat na plet neco vice kryciho apod.

Zacnu peci o pleti a touhle hydratacni maskou od Nuxe. V zime je plet vystavena studenym teplotam a je treba se o ni starat. Ted s malym si rada davam doma pletove masky. Treba jenom tak, kdyz usne a ja si pustim oblibeny serial. Tahle hydratuje opravdu nadherne, coz je v tomto pocasi potreba. A urcite je to skvely tip jako darek k Vanocum treba kamaradce ci mamince. 

Dalsi novinkou v me sbirce kosmetiky je vlasova maska od Kerastase. Tohle je znacka, na kterou nedam dopustit. Jejich sampon na citlivou pokozku je snad jediny, ktery mi sedi. Poridila jsem si novou masku na vlasy, protoze pri kojeni ty vlasy nejsou to co byly. Potrebuji vice hydratace a take vice padaji. Snazim se o ne starat vice nez predtim. 

Dalsim prirustkem jsou dva produkty od Diora. Prvnim je rasenka od Diora – Dior show, kterou jsem mela jiz drive a usoudila jsem, ze se k ni vratim, protoze je proste jedna z nejlepsich na trhu. Pro zmenu jsem si vybrala tentokrat hnedy odstin a vite co, jsem nadsena. Doted jsem pouzivala jenom cerne rasenky. Tato rasenka se ted dela v teto nove verzi, takze ji urcite vyzkousejte. Ja si stojim za tim, ze je opravdu jedna z top na trhu. A od Diora mam take novy makeup Dior Capture totale, ktery dela presne to co slibuje. Je dobry na plet, ktera uz ma vrasky a nadherne kryje. Kdyz je vase plet ve starnoucim procesu je treba si poridit makeup primo na takovou plet, protoze nektere makeupy spise vrasky zvyrazni. 

Co se tyce vuni, kdysi jsem patrila k tem, co pouzivaji jednu ci dve oblibene vune a tim to padne. Diky blogu se na me zacaly ale hrnout darky a nove produkty a ja zacala vice experimentovat a ted? Ted pouzivam parfemy podle nalady. Mam jich momentalne asi tak 12 mozna i 15 a stridam je podle nalady, prilezitosti a rocniho obdobi. Nedavno jsem si zamilovala novejsi verzi Opia. A ted v zime je idelani. Opet je to skvely Vanocni darek pro vase blizke. 

A poslednim produktem, ktery jsem vam chtela predstavit je tento vlasovy olej Shu Uemura, ktery mam teprve od soboty, kdy jsem se sla ostrihat. A jsem do nej uplne zamilovana. Je to presne, co jsem hledala. Konce mam ted vice vysusene a prislo mi, ze moje olejicky zkratka nestacily. Pouzila jsem ho nekolikrat a i za tech par pouziti vidim rozdil. 

Urcite mi dejte vedet, ktere produkty momentalne milujete ci ktere si prejete najit prave pod Vanocnim stromeckem.

Love Glamazon xoxo 

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