Burt’s Bee Event

I love events when cosmetics is involved. I am not the best person when it comes to cosmetics. I am traditional and I always admire beauty bloggers as they know everything about how to put make up on, trends and skin care.
So everytime I get invited to an event where I can learn more I am the happiest girl on the planet. This time I attended Burt’s Bee event in their pop up store in London. And I went with my lovely plus one Negar (not sure which one us was more excited but looking at her facial expression I have to give her this one).

This pop up store is the only one in Europe where you can see all the ranges and products in one place. I also had my skin analysis done and surprisingly I was told my skin is vell hydrated and balanced. I would never expect it but what a great thing to find out. LOL.

I still want to try their hydrating mask as the smell and the feel of it was just making me want to buy it. Oh, maybe it is just my inner shopaholic part wanting another thing for my shelf.

And don’t forget to try their their lip shade tester. You can go online and give more info about your skin shade and other information and it will give you suggestions for shades suitable for your type.

Love Glamazon xoxo

 Strasne rada chodim na akce, ktere jsou spojeny s kosmetikou. Sama mam do beauty blogerky opravdu daleko a vzdycky obdivuju tyhle holky, jak se umi krasne nalicit, jak dokazi vsechno skvele popsat  a maji neskutecne znalosti o tom, jak se starat o plet.

Takze kdyz mi prijde pozvanka na kosmetickou akci, moje srdicko zaplesa, protoze se neco noveho naucim a vyzkousim nove produkty. Tentokrat jsem byla pozvana na prijemny vecer s Burt’s Bee v jejich pop up store v Londyne na Covent Garden a vzala jsem se sebou kolegyni Negar, ktera taky pise blog.

Tento Pop Up store je udajne jediny v Evrope, kde muzete videt vsechny produkty a rady na jednom miste. Ja se priznam, ze jsem znala pouze jejich balzamy, ale dostala jsem spoustu veci na vyzkouseni a nektere kousky me kazdopadne zaujaly. Jedna se o prirodni kosmetiku, takze myslim, ze ta je vhodna pro kazdeho. 

A taky jsem si nechala udelat analyzu pleti a bylo mi receno, ze mam skvelou a dobre hydratovou a vyvazenou plet. Nikdy by me nenapadlo, ze po tolika letech trapeni konecne neco takoveho uslysim. 

Prestoze pry nepotrebuju nic jineho, tak vyzkousim jejich hydratacni masku. Ta nejen krasne vonela, ale mela hrozne prijemnou konzistenci.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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