My workouts journey has been long. I have been on the fitness journey since I was a teen. When I started to see modelling agencies and was told my bum is too big that was the beginning of it. The sight of measuring tape gave me anxiety as you cannot imagine and so many girls I know feel the same. I knew both Cindy Crawford workouts tapes by heart and was going for runs wrapped in kitchen foil. I had unhealthy attitude to it all.
I started to workout for the wrong reasons but now when I am older I am more about listening to my own body and all about feeling fit, healthy and have good metabolic age. I am nowhere near where I want to be however I feel better about my body and working out.
I have tried so many workouts, there were times at Uni when I spent hours in the gym. I am also certified spinning instructor and despite teaching so many classes a week plus gym and walking I did not look what I wanted to look. And with the job coming later but no kids I kept doing this crazy overload of working out. Now in my 40’s I know that perhaps it is better not to pressure your body so much and take little steps and find workout that works and is shorter. These are easier to fit around if you have busy job or are a busy mum or even person that travels a lot.
30 day shred by Jillian Michaels
I did these workouts years ago and these are only 20 minutes long and you do them daily. I promise you will see results if you stick to it. Especially if you add your 10 K steps a day. You do not need any equipment and that is why this workout is perfect for people on the go. I find it easy to fit in to a busy schedule. Yes doing it daily is a commitment but each time I did this challenge I saw results. This is perfect for somebody that wants to start to do something and then once you build some strength you can progress on other classes and workouts.
Now this is much harder and very old school HIIT workout so expect to work very very hard. You have a weekly schedule and the classes are in between 20-40 minutes but the intensity is very difficult. It may be actually the hardest workout class I have done. And I have tried bootcamp too and other HIIT classes in different London gyms. There is something about the speed and intensity. If you want to burn fat fast this is your workout.
Kayla Itsines Bikini Body workout
This is another super effective workout that many women tried after giving birth and it is amazing. It is designed to build up your strength but you need some equipment. The guide is self-explanatory and you switch different week programs but you need 30 minutes to do this. And again the short time is perfect for people that are busy but want to lose weight and tone up. Even the Suit star Katherine Heigl showed her amazing results on social media. I do not blame her as it is very effective and all you need is 30 minutes which is so easy to fit in daily routine.
These are my 3 tips and great for those who want to start but not spend too much time doing it. I am now in my early 40’s and after lot of research I was trying something totally different since start of 2023 and sticked to less is more. I am now combining shorter pilates and strength workouts with some cardio either cross trainer or walking . I would love to do more however with toddler who I have 24/7 it is not doable. This is what works for me and my lifestyle at the moment.