If you are looking for quality bags for spring under 500 £ I have your back. If you are a bag lover and your budget does not stretch to reach to top designer bags I have good news.
There are many bags that are incredible quality and so well made but you do not have to rob a bank. Yes for some a bag for several hundreds of pounds can still be a dream however we hope some of these may inspire you to save your pennies and finally get that dream bag of yours. And if you are looking to upgrade your spring closet on the budget here are our favourite pieces under 100 £.
I love brands like Demellier, Strathberry or Tory Burch. They make lovely quality models and really play with colours to create chic and timeless designs. Strathberry is stocked in some of London’s department stores but they also have a boutique on Kings Road if you would like to check the quality in person.
I am also so in love with the Sezane Milo bag. I can really vouch for this bag and have been wearing it a lot myself. The size is perfect and you can adjust the length of the strap. I have the snake print one but also love the colours especially burgundy. It is timeless and chic and I always get so many compliments.
Princess of Wales as well as the Duchess of Sussex have been both spotted wearing bags by both Demellier and Strathberry. I am not surprised at all as they are so easy to wear and whether you are more into elegant styling, casual or edgy they will compliment your outfits so well. These brands are also popular amongst top influencers.
Here are the 10 bags you can shop to upgrade your spring wardrobe.
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