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Influencers Outfit Round up – Fashion Inspo of the week

Influencers outfits round up - fashion inspo of the week - Me wearing cropped leather jacket and maxi skirt
Source: Eva McMahon

Influencers outfits round up – Fashion inspo of the week

I adore doing Influencers outfits round up for you. Scrolling down for outfits inspiration is one of my favourite ways how to procrastinate. I could spend hours doing it and keep saving these in my folder. And I openly admit that the one that are not work outfits excite me the most. It is the daily look looks that I find the most fun but that is nothing new if I know me well.

As it is still very cold I wanted to include the very warm outfits as well as few spring options. As you can see we are still surrounded by patent heels, faux fur as the mob wife aesthetic is going strong and also the uniform pair of sneakers adidas Samba. I am still not convinced they are very me however the social media pressure is sometimes hard to resist.

I personally love the look my friend Lorna is wearing as the combination of the brown trousers, patent heels and the chocolate coat looks very chic. However chic is her second name. Her style is very timeless and she is the best at spotting quiet luxury items and always looks very expensive.

Leopard print has always been one of my favourites and so glad it is having a moment again. However, the real leopard print lovers will never stop wearing it. Many years ago I bought a pair of Leopard booties by Pucci in New York and I think I will keep them forever. I really do love the leopard print trousers with the faux fur jacket and pop of red. The mixture of textures is just incredible in this case.


Influencers outfits round up - fashion inspo of the week - Preppy style look with patent heels
Source: Wustova
Influencers outfits round up - fashion inspo of the week very chic look brown leather trousers and patent heels
Source: Symphonyofsilk
Influencers outfits round up - fashion inspo of the week cute faux fur coat with red bag and leopard trousers
Source: Alexcrpn
Influencers outfits round up - fashion inspo of the week - Camel coat, leopard sneakers and Demellier New York Tote bag
Source: Shepelevich

Influencers outfits round up - fashion inspo of the week - faux fur coat and brown tones outfit
Source: Sarahdenizz

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This is one of the bags under 500 £ for spring. I am carrying my favourite Sezane Milo.
Sezane Milo bag in snake print


If you are looking for quality bags for spring under 500 £ I have your back. If you are a bag lover and your budget does not stretch to reach to top designer bags I have good news.

There are many bags that are incredible quality and so well made but you do not have to rob a bank. Yes for some a bag for several hundreds of pounds can still be a dream however we hope some of these may inspire you to save your pennies and finally get that dream bag of yours. And if you are looking to upgrade your spring closet on the budget here are our favourite pieces under 100 £.


I love brands like Demellier, Strathberry or Tory Burch. They make lovely quality models and really play with colours to create chic and timeless designs. Strathberry is stocked in some of London’s department stores but they also have a boutique on Kings Road if you would like to check the quality in person.

I am also so in love with the Sezane Milo bag. I can really vouch for this bag and have been wearing it a lot myself. The size is perfect and you can adjust the length of the strap. I have the snake print one but also love the colours especially burgundy. It is timeless and chic and I always get so many compliments.


Princess of Wales as well as the Duchess of Sussex have been both spotted wearing bags by both Demellier and Strathberry. I am not surprised at all as they are so easy to wear and whether you are more into elegant styling, casual or edgy they will compliment your outfits so well. These brands are also popular amongst top influencers.

Here are the 10 bags you can shop to upgrade your spring wardrobe.

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Australian brands that do it better….!!

Images: India Edward

Wearing: Dress: Shona Joy, Boots: Zara, Bag: Polene, Belt: Black & Brown


Are you sometimes that person that has enough of the usual suspects when it comes to high-street fashion? You want something different and want to strut in a dress that will fits like a glove and is made of good quality fabric? Then head over to Australia. And there is no need to book a ticket or travel with your finger on the map. You can just explore their wonderful fashion brands that have so much to offer.

I discovered first few Australian brands when I started blogging and immediately fell in love with Aje. Back then it was rare to see it around or even buy something easily but few years later you can get hands on their beautiful designs. There are many wonderful fashion brands coming from Australia and introducing effortless summer styles. You may love brands like Talulah, Elliatt or Alice McCall that is so popular in UK. This brand was hit hard during pandemic however it does not change a fact they do beautiful clothes.

One of my absolute favourites though is Shona Joy. Brand that offers timeless elegance with a twist. It is wearable but not boring. It works with fantastic fabrics and does not fail to surprise me with each new collection. They offer so much from evening dressing to party pieces but also elegant dresses for the office environment. I am lucky to own few pieces and I know that their models are easy to wear and are fantastic option for so many occasions.

My linen dress with balloon sleeves is a great example of timeless fashion and it can be worn again and again. Whether you are heading to a al fresco lunch, dinner on the holiday, picnic or even a festival this dress with work and it comes in other colours too.

I could literally shop everything on their website and hope you will love it too.

Taky to obcas mate tak, ze mate plne zuby obleceni z retezcu? Rikate si, ze veci jsou to sice krasne, ale postradate neco navic, neco vic unikatnejsiho a neco co neuvidite desetkrat pri ranni jizde metrem. Jestli mate zalusk na novy kousek do vaseho satniku, staci zabrouzdat v Australskych vodach, tedy spise v jejich modnich znackach, ktere jsou neotrele, kvalitni a neokoukane.

Kdyz jsem zacinala blogovat pred mnoha lety, narazila jsem na znacku Aje, kterou miluju doted. Tenkrat to nebylo tak jednoduche jejich kousky sehnat, ale dnes uz jsou k dostani v Britanii na nekolika e-shopech a jejich modely me bavi porad stejne. Ale u Aje to zdaleka nekonci. Budou se vam urcite libit i znacky jako Talulah, Elliatt ci popularni Alice McCall, ktera je oblibena v Britanii. Ta se dostala behem pandemie do financnich problemu, ale to nemeni nic na tom, ze jejich obleceni je fantasticke.

Jedna z mych nejoblibenejsich Australskych znacek je ale urcite Shona Joy. Je to značka, která je známá po celém světě a získala si svou popularitu zejména díky svým modelům na svatbu a večerní akce. Čeká vás ale mnohem více. Většina kolekcí přinese každý rok velmi šik kousky, které jsou nadčasové, ale přesto velmi zajímavé. V jejich kolekcich najdete jak nesmrtelného leoparda tak i flitry či květinové potisky. . Jejich Instagramová stránka je plná inspirace a stojí za to ji sledovat.

Tyhle saty jsou perfektnim prikladem nadcasovosti a hodi se na tolik prilezitosti. At uz se chystate na picnic, festival ci dovolenou. Je to kousek, ktery se da nosit leta a bude tim evergreenovym kouskem v kazdem satniku. Ja osobne bych mohla jejich e-shop vykoupit cely a snad se bude libit i vam.


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How to dress like you have a stylist

Do you know the feeling when you are flicking through a magazine and then you see a perfect dressed celebrity…you may start to think how do they always look so spot on?

Their personal taste plays a big part but it may as well be a job of a personal shopper and stylist. So how can somebody that does not have the budget for these services dress well without them? Let’s look at some top tips how to look like you have a personal stylist on hand.

First step is to create a mood board. I love mood boards as they give you the right direction. They help you discover things, they push your boundaries and help you to find yourself. It does not have to be complicated. I use my computer and gather pictures of places, moods, editorials and products and then print them out. You can use fashion sites like modio.cz for sourcing the actual product images or to make it easier you can use their app. So much inspiration right on your phone. I love to include perhaps a celebrity or my fashion icon and if I am dressing for a specific event I use images from previous years or similar events.

Next step is to consult your mood board with your wardrobe. You may need to do a clear-out. Look at things on the mood board and check what you already have. Look at things you rotate the most. Those should stay in your wardrobe. However, it could also mean that it is time to buy new bits to match your new vision and style. If it is for a specific event you can even rent the item or borrow.

You should stay yourself but mood boards will help you to push yourself a bit when it comes to styling. Stylists would never try to change your taste but they push you, direct you and test your boundaries. They kind of guide you how to get the best out of your taste and fashion. My rule is to always include something unexpected. Is it earrings, colour, texture. I like to break my otherwise simple looks. However, everybody is different so you may need to find what works for you.

And last but not least think of an adequate way of dressing. For me that means two things…first is to dress correctly for an event. You may have given dress code so please follow that. It can also mean your employer has set rules. If you are not sure my other rule is that it is better to be overdressed than underdressed. LOL The other thing is to know your body shape. It took me ages to figure out mine. I am rectangle and that is why I love to wear belted jackets and dresses. It balances my body out and gives me waist. If you are not sure you can simply use online calculators and just put in your measurement.

Znáte ten pocit, když na vás vyskočí z časopisu či online fotografie dokonale oblečené celebrity a vy si pomyslíte, jak to ta holka dělá? 

Je za tím určitě osobní vkus a cit, ale spousta z nich využivá služeb personal shoppers a stylistů. Ne každému rozpočet umožňuje to samé, ale můžete si zkusit se obléci vlastní pomocí jako stylista. Pokud chcete ve vašem stylu něco změnit, najít směr, najít přesně to, co se vám líbí a být sám sebou, není to tak těžké. 

Vytvořte si mood board

Začněte tím, že si vytvoříte mood board. Nemusíte to komplikovat, můžete použít nějakou aplikaci, shromáždit si fotografie, které s vámi rezonují. Já si většinou tvořím mood board na telefonu či počítači a pak finální verzi vytisknu, ať ji mám hezky na očích. Na mood board mohou patřit například fotografie celebrity a jejího outfitu, místa, krásné editoriály a také jednotlivé kousky oblečení. Můžete použít modely, které se vám líbí například z módního agregátoru modio.cz. Poslední krok bude ještě jednodušší díky nové aplikaci, kterou si můžete stáhnout a inspirace tak bude vždy po ruce. Já mám nejraději mood boardy, které jsou vyváženou kombinací věcí, osob a míst. Navodí to atmosféru a dá směr, kterého by jste se pak měli držet. Lidé často tápají, co je vlastně jejich styl, ale mood boards jsou skvělým startem, jak to v sobě objevit a vytáhnout to na povrch. 

2. Pročistěte si svůj šatník 

Mood board máte hotový a teď je na řade čistka šatníku. Vyberte si ty kousky, které rotujete nejvíce a ty by měly v šatníku zůstat. Jsou to věci, které pravděpodobně odráží váš styl a jdou ruku v ruce s vaším životním stylem. Po té konzultujte zbytek šatníku s vaší mood board. Najdete kousky, které jsou si podobné? Ty mohou zůstat, možná se občas musíte trošku postrčit a určité věci nosit více. Hlavní je si v šatníku nechat kousky, které vám dělají radost a je vám v nich dobře. Také vám musí dobře sedět. Na základě vaší mood board a vašeho životního stylu možná zjistíte, že vám něco chybí a budete holt muset na nákup a vytvořit si seznam věcí, po nichž toužíte. Pokud to spěchá a hodláte se obléci na konkrétní událost, vždy si můžete něco půjčit. 

3. Naslouchejte sami sobě

Já se často ptám kamarádek, zda se jim líbí to či ono a pak se stejně rozhodnu po svém. Musíte naslouchat sobě, protože jenom tak budete opravdu vyjadřovat svůj vkus. Osobní stylista také bere v potaz vkus svých klientů a neměl by ho měnit. Může jenom doporučit, postrčit a našeptávat a pomáhá dopilovat look, aby byl výsledek co nejlepší. Já si stanovím vždy takové pravidlo, že se obleču po svém a v jedné věci trošku přitlačím na pilu. Zkrátka si dám jednu nečekanou věc, něco čeho bych se jindy bála. Tak se v módě dají krásně posunovat hranice. Často se setkávám s tím, že lidé a to hlavně v Česku se bojí vystoupit ze své uniformity. Ale malé změny a kroky jsou důležité. Tak se nebojte. Málá změna nepřetvoří vás, nezmění váš vkus a styl, ale ve finále může přinést nečekaný a fantastický outfit. 

4. Oblékejte se adekvátně

Adekvátnost si každý může vyložit po svém. V mém případě mám na mysli hlavně dvě věci a to je typ postavy a příležitost. Znát svůj typ postavy je důležité, protože můžete díky tomu zakrýt nedostatky a vaše silné stránky dát do popředí. Jestli si nejste jisti, můžete použit online kalkulačku, kde zadáte vaše míry a ta vám dá vědět. Já jsem například obdelník, stějně jako třeba Cameron Diaz a sluší mi pásky v pase. Hodně mi to otevřelo oči. 

Další adekvátností je určitě příležitost. Spousta akcí bude mít zadaný dress code a ten je třeba respektovat. Může se jednat i o to, jak se oblékáte do práce či na společenské akce. Já se ale držím pravidla, že je lepší to trošku přehnat než podcenit. A zatím se to vyplácí. 

in collaboration with modio.cz