Tag Archives: offers


Black Friday is almost here and as every year so many shoppers will want to grab a bargain. I am a huge fan of the biggest sales of the year as it is right before Christmas and I  can get gorgeous super luxury items for much less. This year is even more exciting as I will be looking at home decor items and any appliances that are often in sale.

On the other hand though shoppers can get carry away and perhaps end up having things they do not want or need just because they were on sale. So why not to stick to some shopping rules to avoid those unnecessary purchases?!

Black Friday je pro mnoho lidi velkou nakupni udalosti. Popularite se tesi hlavne v USA a v Britanii, ale myslim, ze tento velky trend se uz dostava i do Evropy a dalsich kontinentu.  Neni na skodu slev v tomto obdobi vyuzit, protoze nas cekaji Vanoce a take si casto muzeme poridit drazsi a luxusni kousky za vic. Napriklad ja letos budu spise pokukovat o vecech do domu a take elektrospotrebicech. 

Bohuzel spousta zakazniku muze byt v tomto obdobi zmatena a nevi kde s nakupy zacit, co si poridit a jak. A to je normalni, protoze v tak velkem mnozstvi nabidek muze clovek ztrati prehled a zacne nakupovat zbytecnosti jen protoze jsou ve sleve. A tak jsem si rikala, ze sepisu par tipu jak na to. 


List of items you really want/Napiste si seznam veci co si prejete

It is important to have a list whether that is list of items you want or need for the house or Christmas presents ideas list. It really helps as then you can just go item by item and look for them in the sales. Is it a favourite face cream or pair of shoes? Then check for retailers that may have those offers. I have a permanent wish-list of items here so it is easy for me as I can always go and check items I like.

Je dulezite si napsat seznam, at uz jsou to veci, ktere chcete pro sebe ci nejake Vanocni darky. Je dobre potom jit podle seznamu a podivat se, kteri prodejci maji treba vas oblibeny krem ci vysnene boty ve sleve. Ja mam vlastne svuj permanentni seznam tady a tak je to pro me trosku jednodussi, ale letos si napisu i seznam zvlast s vecma do domacnosti.

Check Offers from last year/Vyhledejte si akce, ktere byly loni

A good place where to start is also to take notes each year which retailers had good offers and what sort of offers. There are lot of articles online and I often use the one I wrote previous year which you can read here. Firstly more likely these retailers will have similar offers or better and secondly this will also help you to prioritise. Some online magazines and newspapers also list tips before Friday.

Nebylo by na skodu si kazdy rok nekde napsat, kteri prodejci akci poradaji. Ja treba vzdy pouzivam svuj stary clanek z predchoziho roku, ktery mi da napady a predstavu na ktere e-shopy se soustredit. Ten si muzete projit tady. Je totiz mozne, ze stejny e-shop bude mit podobnou akci. No a ty si predem projdu a kdyz se mi na jejich strankach neco libi, tak si to dam na svuj wish-list a v patek rychle poridim.

Shop Christmas presents/Nakupte si Vanocni darky

It is one of the easiest ways how you can shop Christmas presents. So be ready. You still have time to ask your children to write a letter of their wishes or asked your loved ones if there is anything specific they are after. You can really get yourself a bargain.

Tento Cyber weekend muzete napriklad koupit Vanocni darky. A tak se na to pripravte, dneska mate do Patku jeste cas a tak napiste s detmi dopis Jeziskovi a nebo se zeptejte svych blizkych, co by si prali. A tak se muzete pri nakupech soustredit prave na tyto veci. 

Have a back up plan/Mejte vzdy pripraveny Plan B

It is always good to have a back plan. So if you want that specific TV, make sure you also have 2nd best and third best option on your list and the same comes to anything else. Black Friday can be manic and you will not have time to start to do the research on other items in the middle of the madness.

Mejte vzdy v zaloze seznam veci, ktere jsou u vas ci vasich blizkych na druhem miste. Napriklad kdyz si chcete poridit televizi a mate svuj vysneny model, ktera televize bude na druhem miste?! Muzete totiz narazit na super akci a bylo by skoda toho nevyuzit. A ja vam garantuju, ze zacit delat pruzkum trhu na posledni chvili nekde v obchode na telefonu se vam asi nevyplati. 

Use early offers/Vyuzijte drivejsich slev a nabidek

If you are really keen to shop in the sales earlier you can do so with lot of retailers. I think the competition is big and each year stores are coming up with clever marketing ways how to get ahead and bring offers already Monday that week. So here are some places you can shop already.

Jestli nechcete cekat az do patku, mate sanci. Kazdy rok konkurence prinasi akce drive a drive a letos uz muzete na spouste e-shopu nakupovat s predstihem. A tady je takovy mensi vyber. 







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