Tip of the week…Balthazar


Who would not love brunching? Imagine lazy day and you do not have to hurry anywhere and meet your lovely friends for a good big brunch. What a lovely treat. This Saturday I had quite early booking in Balthazar. The place that is popular in NY and soon became a famous spot in London as well. I went for the usual Eggs Benedict and Margita had just simple scrambled eggs. I honestly love the deco of the place as you can tell they thought about everything to the last detail. And I love the little bakery next door. So french and so charming.
Next time I go I will go for lunch instead to test the usually very busy and bubbly atmosphere in London hot spots.

Kdo by nemel rad brunch? Predstavte si den, kdy nemusite nikam spechat a date si rande s kamarady a dobre se najite. Opravdu prijemna predstava. V sobotu jsem se si rezerovala stul na brzky brunch v Balthazar. Tohle misto je velmi vyhlasene v New Yorku a Londynska restaurace nezustava o nic vic pozadu. Ja jsem si dala klasiku Vajicka Benedict a Margita klasicke michane vajicka. Misto ma skvely decor, vsechno je promyslene do posledniho detailu a citite tam zkratka Francii. Je to asi vtipne, ale ja jsem si fotila i toalety. To vite, spravna blogerka musi obcas vypadat jako blazen. Pokud se sem budete chystat, necekejte uplne levne ceny, v Londyne se da najit mnohem levnejsi mista na brunch. Zalezi cemu davate prednost, zda vas laka sedet v prekrasnem miste a trochu si priplatit nebo je vam to fuk, hlavne ze se dobre najite za dobrou cenu.
Vedle ma Balthazar kouzelnou pekarnu, ktera vas primo laka k nakupu cerstveho peciva.

Az tam pujdu priste, pujdu asi na obed. Tyhle Londynske popularni spoty maji v dobe obedu uzasnou atmosferu.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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